URBAN LEGENDS Microphone in he
(9) 12 Sep 91 09:11:19
By: Rob Green
URBAN LEGENDS: Microphone in hell
Rumour: Hell was discovered under Siberia. A shaft was sunk several miles, and the core of the earth was found to be hollow, buring of sulphur, and wailing, tormented voicedcould be heard. A microphone was lowered and a recording was made confirming that Hell was there, and loaded with people. ..
Source: Scandanavia
Siberia may not be a very nice place, but it not Hell-cover! This rumour was published in several places including Biblical Archeology Review (they subsequently claim they pulished it tongue-in-cheek). Flaws here include the fact that a microphone would not survived a three mile lower down a shaft in searing heat.
Personally, I think the whole Lake of Fire (Rev 20) thing is still future. The first to go in it are the Beast and False Prophet, then the Devil (Rev 20:10), followed by those who “lose” in the Great White Throne judgment (Rev 20:15).
A Christian magazine (I believe, CHRISTIANITY TODAY) in an article by Rich Buhler.