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A Great Story Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"A Great Story"
Shirley W’s husband was dying of kidney disease, and the family was experiencing extreme financial difficulties.  One of Shirley's friends had given her some cucumbers and other garden vegetables.  That morning Shirley washed the vegetables, and thought about the big salad she would make for dinner. She hoped it would fill up her family because there wasn't going to be much else on the table. She would have loved to make some pickles from the leftover cucumbers too, but that would require dill, and she had none and no way to buy any… Abruptly she stopped, before slipping into sadness.  “God, I thank you for all the blessings you have given us,” she prayed. “And forget I said anything about the dill.”  Shirley had learned that praising God during difficult times often banished the sorrow she would otherwise feel.
That afternoon, Shirley's husband had a doctors appointment, so he and Shirley left their 18-year-old son, Kenny, in charge, and went to the office.  While they were gone, the doorbell rang and Kenny answered.  A man was standing at the door holding a box of groceries.  “This the W. house?” he asked.
“Yes,” Kenny responded.
“Then come and help me,” the man told him.  
Setting down the box on the front porch, he turned around and went down the steps.  Kenny noticed an old car parked in front of the house.  “Wait a minute!” he called.
The man kept walking.
Startled, Kenny followed him out to the car.  There in the trunk were four more large boxes, filled to the brim with groceries.
Kenny was well acquainted with the family's financial problems.  “Listen, Mister,” he said, “I think you have the wrong house.  My parents…I don't think they bought all this.”
The man lifted a box.  “Help me carry them in,” he told Kenny, as if he expected to be obeyed.
Kenny grabbed a box.  Maybe a friend was sending something?  But who would know their situation?  And he had never seen this man before.  “Would you mind telling me your name?” he asked, depositing the box on the porch, and hurrying to catch up with the man.
The man smiled at Kenny. “You don't need my name,” he said.  “I'm just going about my fathers business.”
“But who's your father?” Kenny persisted.  He carried the last box onto the porch and set it down. The man didn't answer.  Kenny turned to him…and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. The man was gone. Kenny looked at the street.  The old car was gone too.
“Honest, Mom, I didn't hear him go….he couldn't have gotten away that quickly…”  Kenny tried to explain it all when his folks came home.  But he needn't have tried, for when his mother looked at the largest box, grateful tears sprang into her eyes.  She understood just Who had provided for the family that day.  For lying on top of the groceries was a package of dill.
"Rule and Conquer"
Tell the devil today, he is liar! He will not take your  joy, your peace or disturb your spirit.
 Tell him he cannot sleep in your bed - there's not enough cover. 
 Tell him he cannot sit in your chair - you will not give him a cushion of comfort.
 Tell him he can't touch your body - it's covered with the blood of Jesus!
 Tell him he cannot audit your finances - you've changed accountants!
 Tell him he cannot enter your home - the locks have been changed.
 Tell him to leave your workplace - he's not on the list of things to do today.
 Tell him to take his hands off your children - because you've had hands laid on them.
 Tell him you have no time for nonsense, criticism, or  fears - you are on a mission, and you walk by faith.
 Tell him no more tears, heartaches or headaches - because there's another, He that restores your soul.
 Tell him. Tell him. Tell him. Tell Him.
 Tell him, today, you have a gentle, powerful inner peace within, that consumes you and leaves no room for confusion.
 Tell him, today you will respond soothingly to a crying child, a tense spouse, or an impatient friend.
 Tell him, today, you will find no fault with a relative, friend, or colleague.
 Tell him to leave your tongue alone - for today you will not talk of anyone, before placing God at the beginning of your thought.
 Tell him, wherever you are, that God is.
 Tell him, God said, "My people will abide in a peaceful habitation and in a quiet resting place." (Isaiah 32:18)
 Today, Tell him he is a liar!
 "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)
 And while you are making these statements of faith and fact, try reading the devil his rights just like the police do for anyone they arrest!
 1. You have the right to remain silent
 2. You have the right to a fair trial - to be given you by the saints   of God right before we collectively drop-kick you into the pit of hell forever.
 3. You have the right to know that not only anything you say but anything you do CAN and WILL be held against you.
 You get the picture I'm sure.
 Now will you all excuse me while I do a bit of shouting just where I am?
 Romans 16:20 "And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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