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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>


Please keep the prayers going for Niki. Some Miracles have taken place with Niki. Our prayers are being answered as there has been some improvements. We hope to have a complete update soon to show God working and answering our prayers.

A Little Walk Around Yourself  

When you're criticizing others
And are finding here and there
A fault or two to speak of
Or a weakness you can't bear;
When you're blaming someone's weakness
Or accusing some of pelf..
It's time that you went out
To walk around yourself.

There are lots of human failures
In the average of us all
And lots of grave shortcomings
In the short ones and the tall;
But when we think of evils
Men should lay upon the shelves,
It's time we all went out
To take a walk around ourselves

We need so often in this life
This balancing of scales;
This seeing how much in us wins
And how much in us fails.
But before you judge another
Just to lay him on the shelf...
It would be a splendid plan
To take a walk around yourself.


Healed and Whole   

One day I dug a little hole
and put my hurt inside
I thought that I could just forget
I'd put it there to hide.
But that little hurt began to grow
I covered it every day
I couldn't leave it and go on
It seemed the price I had to pay.
My joy was gone, my heart was sad
Pain was all I knew.
My wounded soul enveloped me
Loving seemed too hard to do.
One day, while standing by my hole
I cried to God above
And said, "If You are really there --
They say, You're a God of love!"
And just like that -- He was right there
And just put His arms around me
He wiped my tears, His hurting child
There was no safer place to be.
I told Him all about my hurt
I opened up my heart
He listened to each and every word
To every sordid part.
I dug down deep and got my hurt
I brushed the dirt away
And placed it in the Master's hand
And healing came that day.
He took the blackness of my soul
And set my spirit FREE!
Something beautiful began to grow
Where the hurt used to be.
And when I look at what has grown
Out of my tears and pain
I remember every day to give my hurts to Him
And never bury them again.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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