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A Lovely Day To Praise The Lord

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

A Lovely Day To Praise The Lord

It's a lovely day to praise the Lord
For a day that's fresh and new,
That's filled with nature's beauty,
Created just for you.

It's a lovely day to look, to see,
The flowers, the trees, the birds,
The music of their voices rings,
None sweeter can be heard.

It's a lovely day to thank the Lord,
As all around we see
The vastness of blue skies above,
and feel the summer breeze.

It's a lovely day to think of how
He cares for us each day.
As we journey in this life,
He's there to lead the way.


Easy  vs.  Difficult 

Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
    Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.
Easy is to talk without thinking.
    Difficult is to refrain the tongue
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
    Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others.
    Difficult is to ask for forgiveness.
Easy is to set rules.
    Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
    Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
    Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
    Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
    Difficult is to get up...
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
    Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to pray every night.
    Difficult is to find God in small things...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
    Difficult is to fulfil that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
    Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
    Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
    Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
    Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
    Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to think bad of others.
    Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt...
Easy is to receive.
    Difficult is to give.
Easy is keep the friendship with words.
    Difficult is to keep it with meanings.
The language of friendship is not words,
    but meanings....
Easy to read this.
    Difficult to follow.
If opportunity doesn't knock,
    build a door.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave an Barbra


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