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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

A lways put God first in your life.
B e a true friend and you will have many friends.
C ount and thank God for your many blessings daily.
D iscipline yourself. Decide to make your life count.
E dify and encourage others consistently.
F ollow great leaders and then become one.
G ive liberally and joyfully of your time, talents and means.
H ave an attitude of gratitude.
I nvert any negatives thrown your way. Turn them into positives.
J ourney through life one step and one day at a time.
K eep written goals set ahead. Make specific plans to accomplish them.
L ove and forgive everybody.
M aximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
N ever, never, never give up!
O pen the door wide when opportunity knocks.
P ractice patience. Promote peace.
Q uit bad habits by replacing them with good habits.
R ead God's Word and other profitable material every chance you get.
S hare the Gospel whenever and wherever possible.
T ake time to appreciate everything and everyone God has given to you.
U se your God given common sense.
V isualize your dreams and stretch to reach for them
W atch, listen and pray without ceasing.
X amine your motives on a regular basis.
Y ield to the Holy Spirit when He prompts you.
Z oom in on God's real purpose for your life.
Author Unknown
"I See These Things In You"
Standing for what you believe in
regardless of the odds against you, and
the pressure that tears at your resistance Courage.
Keeping a smile on your face when inside you
feel like dying, for the sake of supporting others Strength.
Stopping at nothing and doing what's
in your heart that you know is right Determination.
Doing more than is expected, to make
another's life a little more bearable,
without uttering a single complaint Compassion.
Helping a friend in need, no matter the
time or effort, to the best of your ability Loyalty.
Being the best you know you can be when life
seems to fall apart at your feet, facing each
difficulty with the confidence that time will bring
better tomorrows, and never giving up... Confidence.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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