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An Angel Is What I'd Be Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"An Angel Is What I'd Be"
If I had a choice
An angel's what I'd be,
And everything that happened
I'd be there to see,
You'd be right there with me
To wrap my wings around,
Only you would know I'm there
For I would'nt make a sound,
I would see ahead of you
To help direct your path,
I'd always be there with you
You'd never have to ask,
I'd be there protecting you
And keeping you from harm,
For nothing is too hard for me
With my loving arms,
When you have somewhere to go
I'll be with you in flight,
I'll also be there protecting
In the middle of the night,
So if I had a choice
An angel's what I'd be,
I'd be right there beside you
Helping you so see,
Melinda Tanner
"Whisper to Jesus"
Today I got a burden,
And I felt that I should pray,
For God's spirit seemed to tell me,
That you were having a bad day.
I don't know just what that problem is,
But I sure do know the cure,
And if you'll only let Him,
God will keep you safe and secure.

In life there's always problems,
Cropping up to spoil our day,
But my friend, you know the answer,
All you have to do is "Pray".

If you still feel you're defeated,
And you want to run and hide,
Just reach out and I'll be there,
Standing right there by your side.

So remember...Whisper Jesus,
For He's just a prayer away,
He's so close that you can touch Him,
All you have to do is "Pray".

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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