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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

I said, "God I hurt."
And God said, "I know."
I said, "God, I cry a lot."
And God said,"That is why
I gave you tears."
I said, "God, I am so depressed."
And God said, "that is why I
gave you sunshine."
I said, "God, life is so hard."
And God said, "that is why I
gave you loved ones."
I said, "God, my loved ones died."
And "God said, "Mine did to."
I said,"God, it is such a loss."
And God said,"I saw mine
nailed to a cross."
I said,"But God, your loved
ones live."
And God said, "So does yours."
I said,"God, where are they now?"
And God said,"Mine is on my
right and yours is in the light."
I said, "God it hurts."
And God said,"I know."

Sit Down So That I Can Take Off Your Shoes


"Sit down so that I can take off your shoes," I said.

He calmly sat down on the floor and held out his feet.

That's no big deal except for one small fact.

The person whom I was talking to was Christian, our 18-month-old
son.  He can't talk, at least not legible enough for anyone to
understand.  He can say Mama, Daddy, and Robbie (his babysitter)
but that's the full extent of his comprehensible vocabulary.
Everything else is just unintelligible grunts.

So what's so special about Christian sitting down and holding
out his feet?  He understood what he himself can't put into

Kids understand what they may not be able to articulate.

They understand tones, emotions and whether something is said in
love or frustration.

They can't spell bitterness... but they understand it.
They can't spell anger... but they understand it.
They can't spell hate... but they understand it.
They can't spell resentment... but they understand it.
They can't spell not being wanted... but they understand it.

Neither can they spell love...      but they understand it.
They can't spell concern...         but they understand it.
They can't spell patience...         but they understand it.
They can't spell sacrifice...         but they understand it.
They can't spell  "I put you over my own needs..." but they
understand it.

You would be surprised what kids who can't articulate their
feelings, reactions and thoughts, understand.

The adults around you often can't or won't articulate their
feelings either.

And just like kids, you'd be surprised what they understand.


Money Talks
Dear Everyone,    Perhaps some of u have heard or read this story elsewhere.  It's been around awhile.
Am sure u're all familiar with the term, "Money talks."  Let's picture a cash register in a shop that's closed and secure for the night.  
The paper currency in three different denominations [$20, $5 and $1 dollar bills]- stacked neatly in their own 3 separate compartments.   (Hmmm...Cash Condos at their best?)  
About 9 p.m. the top $20 bill speaks to his buddies, "Hey, I hate to brag but let's face the facts. My peers and I travel anywhere in the world -to be on hand to pay for airfare, motel stays and other luxuries.  How about you two?"
     The $5 bill spoke up proudly, "Oh, we can go places too - and we can help pay for gas and we're welcomed at supermarkets."
     Cringin' in its space and tryin' to hide... the top $1 bill hoped they wouldn't call on him.  He and 'his kind' didn't  rank as high as the $20 and $5 crowd.
     "Say, there, Numero Uno, what can you tell us about yourself?" asked the $20 bill.
     "Yeah," added the $5 bill, "You have ONE printed all over you. 
And, the last shall be the saying goes."
     Realizin' he had to offer somethin', the $1 bill cleared its papery throat and whispered, "Well, we don't get around the globe much.....we're seldom of use at a gas station and we don't often get to pay for groceries....but, hey- at least we're taken to church every Sunday."
Edgin' a  bit away from that story and picturin' the weekly scene at a given church, when the collection baskets make their rounds...I would like to imagine Our Lord with His Holy Basket stretched out to me each morning. 
I should ask myself, "How much should I give You, Oh Lord?  Would You like for me to offer...
-My prayers of thanksgiving for another glorious morning?
-My total attention to Your Word?
-My hymns of praise and honor for Your Presence?
-My sorrows?
-My triumphs?
-My talents and interests?
-My plans to help others in Your Name?
-My concern for loved ones' problems?
-My compassion for those in despair?
-My total trust and hope in You?
-My intentions to stay on Your Path?
-My smiles - especially to the ones who need the cheer?
-My gratitude for the joys You sent me yesterday?
-My full awareness of the gifts You plan for me today?
-My happy anticipation of Divine Rainbows You will create  to replace future storms?
Lord, when You read the question in my subject line, I'm sure Your answer would be, "It's up to you, My Child."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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