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"Appreciate What You Have" Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Appreciate What You Have"

One day a wealthy family man took his son on a trip to the country, so he could have his son see how poor country people live.
They stayed one day and one night in the home of a very humble farmer. At the end of the trip, and when they were back home, the father asked his son, "What did you think of the trip?"
The son replied, "Very nice dad."
Then the father asked his son, "Did you notice how poor they were?"
The son replied, "Yes."
The father continued asking, "What did you learn?"
The son responded, "I learned that we have one dog in our house, and they have four.
Also, we have a fountain in our garden, but they have a stream that has no end.
And we have imported lamps in our garden where they have the stars!
And our garden goes to the edge of our property. But they have the entire horizon as their back yard!"
At the end of the son's reply the father was speechless.
His son then said, "Thank you dad for showing me how poor we really are."
Isn't it true that all depends on the lens you use to see life?
One can ask himself what would happen if we give thanks for what we have instead of always asking for more.
Learn to appreciate what you have. Wealth is all in one's point of view.

"He Loves Me"
When I have no strength to stand
And I cannot understand
Why the Lord allows such suffering in my life,
I'm reminded, in God's Word,
That my prayers will all be heard
And He'll see me through each heartache, pain, and strife.
When I've failed to meet some test
And my heart can find no rest,
And I feel o'erwhelmed, defeated, and alone;
Then, the Spirit's still small voice
Shows me how I can rejoice
For the cleansing, with repentance, I have known.
When a friend becomes a foe
And my problems seem to grow,
And my pure intentions are misunderstood;
Jesus calms my doubts and fears,
And He dries away my tears
While He turns things, planned against me, into good.
If I read God's Word each day
And I trust Him and obey,
And I keep in constant touch with Him in prayer,
I can win against each foe
And His peace my life will show.
For, He loves me and He'll keep me in His care.
Connie Ciccone
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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