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being "cool"

Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

Its much the same for me Deanna.  My house has a revolving door as far as my children's friends are concerned.   They all love being here.  And tell me I am "cool" as well.   Its rather funny.    I cook for them all.  Always have a meal with enough for everyone.   Extra beds are always being used as its better for them to stay then drive home late at night down country roads. (this is for the young ladies)
Children often make fun of the parents that try to be "kids".   My girls think its  "so dumb" when their friends parents listen to the popular music or dress like the children.  
Its all in the love we show to everyone.  
I saw a quote today that I really like.... "Live in such a way that those who know you but don't know God will come to know God because they know you"
It's really the way it should be.   Glad you had that experience this week. 

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