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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Blessed is December,
for Christmas is near.
Blessed are the poor of pocket,
for they shall be called parents.

Blessed are the artistic,
for they shall wrap gifts for everyone.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall
restrain children from knocking over the tree.
Blessed are they who are heavily laden,
for they shall be called shoppers.
Blessed are they who weave paper garlands,
produce plays and wear a confused look,
for they shall be called teachers.
Blessed are they who hunger for turkey and
trimmings (and happily do the dishes),
for they shall be satisfied.
Blessed is the sweater knit in secret,
coins sent to a food bank, dinner for a shut-in,
for these shall be called love.
Blessed are we who, despite the chaos, hold
the real Christmas closely in our hearts,
for we shall be called glad.
"Happy Birthday Jesus"
When I think of Jesus' childhood
There's a thing I must get straight
If Christmas wasn't Christmas,
How did Jesus celebrate?
I know he didn't have a tree
With lights and all the trim.
I'll bet his mother, Mary,
Baked a Christmas cake for him.
She probably called it birthday cake.
With the candles all aglow.
Then little Jesus made his wish,
Blew 'em out with just one blow.
And little Jesus' friends were there
With presents they would bring.
Since they didn't have the carols,
What fun songs did they sing?
I'll think they sang the birthday song
And had all kinds of fun.
Then Mary cut that birthday cake,
A piece for everyone.
Since Christmas's still his birthday
I rejoice for Jesus sake:
I love the tree and lights and toys
And I'd like some birthday cake.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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