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Church On The Hill Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Church On The Hill"
His old and shabby clothing
Revealed a strong determined will
With shaky legs and tattered bible
He’d go to the church upon the hill.
T’was just a crooked little building
In a state of needed repair
But, it didn’t really matter much
Come Sunday, he’d be there.
Taking his place at the broken down pulpit
He preached about heaven and hell
Thumbing through the yellowing pages
Of the book he knew so well.
Looking over the empty wooden pews
Each Sunday would bring more pain
He’d pray for a congregation
But, nobody ever came.
He knew his days were numbered
One day he felt gravely ill
But, he took his bible with faltering steps
To the church upon the hill.
Perhaps, just this one Sunday
They would come to hear him speak
But, with tear filled eyes, he realized
With them he’d never meet.
He preached a wonderful sermon
To a room so empty and still
Then, he died there at the altar
In the church upon the hill.
A simple funeral was provided
Yet, nobody even came
To pay regards or last respects
To the preacher with no name.
But, little did the people know
The end of time was near
When Jesus came on judgment day
They ran around in fear.
"Oh Jesus, you must save us
Our hearts have been sincere"
But, Jesus turned away from them
Their cries, he did not hear.
He knew their tongues were full of lies
Their souls, he could not heal
For, he was the man who preached and died
In the church upon the hill.

"If Jesus Came To Your House"
If Jesus came to your house,
I wonder what you'd do.
Yes, if Jesus came to your house,
to spend a day or two,
If He came unexpected,
just dropped in on you.
I know you'd give your nicest room
to such an honored guest,
And all the food you serve to Him
would be the very best.
And you would keep assuring Him
you're glad to have Him there,
That serving Him in your home
is joy beyond compare.
But when you saw Him coming,
would you meet Him at the door
With arms outstretched in welcome
to your heavenly visitor?
Or would you have to change your clothes
before you let Him in?
Or hide some magazines and put
the Bible where they'd been?
Would you turn off the radio
and hope he hadn't heard?
And wish you hadn't uttered
that last loud hasty word?
And would you hide your worldly music
and put some hymn books out?
Could you let Jesus just walk right in,
or would you rush about?
And I wonder, if the Savior
spend a day or two with you,
Would you go right on doing
the things you always do?
Would you go right on saying
the things you always say?
Would life for you continue
as it does from day to day?
And would your family conversation
keep up it's usual pace?
And would you find it hard each meal
to say a table grace?
Would you sing the songs you always sing,
and read the books you read,
And let Him know the things
on which your mind and spirit feed?
And would you take Jesus with you
everywhere you'd planned to go?
Or maybe would you change your plans
for just a day or so?
Would you be glad to have Him meet
your very closest friends,
Or hope that they would stay away
until His visit ends?
And would you be glad
to have Him stay forever on and on?
Or would you sigh with great relief
when He at last was gone?
Oh, it might be interesting to know
the things that you would do,
If Jesus came in person
to spend some time with you.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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