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Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>


This test does not measure your intelligence, your fluency
with words, and certainly not your mathematical ability. It
will, however, give you some gauge of your mental flexibility
and creativity. In the three years since we developed the
test, we've found few people who could solve more that half
the 24 questions on the first try. Many, however, reported
getting answers long after the test had been set aside,
particularly at unexpected moments when their minds were
relaxed. Some people reported solving all the questions over
a period of several days. Take this as your personal challenge.

DIRECTIONS: Each question below contains the initials of words
that will make it correct. Find the missing words.

For example: 26 = L. of the A. Answer: Letters of the Alphabet

1. 24 = B. in a C. _______________ 13. 8 = S. on a S.S. _______________

2. 7 = W. of the A.W. ____________ 14. 3 = B.M. (S.H.T.R.) ____________

3. 1,001 = A.N. __________________ 15. 4 = Q. in a G. _________________

4. 12 = S. of the Z. _____________ 16. 24 = a D. _________________

5. 54 = a D.(with the J's.) _ 17. 1 = W. on a U. _________________

6. 9 = P. in the S.S. ____________ 18. 5 = D. in a Z.C. _______________

7. 13 = S. in the A.F. ___________ 19. 57 = H.V. ______________________

8. 50 = S. in the U. _____________ 20. 11 = P. on a F.T. ______________

9. 32 = D.F. at which W. F. ______ 21. 1,000 = W. that a P. is W. _____

10. 18 = H. on a G.C. _____________ 22. 29 = D. in F. in a L.Y. ________

11. 90 = D. in a R. A. ____________ 23. 64 = S. on a C.B. ______________

12. 200 = D. for P.G. in M. _______ 24. 40 = D. and N. of the G.F. _____