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He Has Risen Thursday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Friday being Good Friday there will be no paper.
Easter is the Sunday that celebrates the resurrection of Christ, and is one of the most holy days in the calendar of Christian churches. The Easter message is one of hope and victory over death, for it recalls that Christ rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Easter symbolizes the love of God and the promise that man's soul is immortal.
The Easter egg is a symbol of new life. People dress in new clothes and wear flowers on Easter Sunday because the winter has come to an end, and the earth seems alive again.
Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 21. This always places Easter sometime between March 22 and April 25.
We wish each of you and your families a Happy Easter.
Dave and Barbara
"He Has Risen"
"Father, I pray, let this cup pass from Me."
In the garden in agony He cried.

Great drops of blood, as sweat, fell down
Where Jesus knelt upon the ground.
"Take away this cup from Thine only Son . . .
And not My will, but Thine be done."
"Whomsoever I kiss, 'tis He," Judas cried
And walked boldly to the Master's side.
Then, just one look into that kindly face . . .
With a broken heart, he ran from the place,
Throwing the silver, which he was paid,
He cried, "'Tis innocent blood I have betrayed,"
"Art Thou the king the Jew's expected one?"
(The trial before Pilate had just begun.)
Pilate wished the yelling mob to chide,
"I find no fault in Him," he cried.
To the clamoring mob, bereft of reason,
"No cause for death, by guilt or treason."
"Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" they cry
"He is an imposter. He must die."
His blood be on us and our children."
The cry of the mob was cruel and grim . . .
"Away with Him! Away with Him!
Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
Scourged and delivered to the angry mob,
They dressed Him in a purple robe.
"Hail Thou! Hail Thou! King of the Jews!"
They before Him jeered and bowed.
On His head a crown of thorns they placed
And led Him forth, as one disgraced.
Then, on the cross which He had borne up the hill,
They stretched His frail and sacred form,
When blow on blow, strong hands sent the nails
Into His quivering, suffering flesh;
Then cried soldiers lifting high the cross
Dropped it quickly with a thundering thud.
On the Cross
"Father, forgive them," in compassion He cried,
"For they know not what they do."
Nails, cruel, pierced His hands and feet,
A sharp sword pierced His body through.
"It is finished," people heard Him say,
"into Thy hands I commend My spirit today."
mantle of darkness caressed Him in death,
Covering His friends, whose hearts were bereft.
The rulers knew they were mistaken again,
As the veil in the temple was rent in twain.
Tearful, they fled the angry mob . . .
had they slain? The Son of God!
By loving hands brought down from the cross . . .
Brokenhearted, they keenly felt their loss;
All earth was hushed . . . not a sound was heard,
Not even a song or the chirp of a bird;
Weird was the cry His mother gave
As His body was placed in the rock-hewn grave.
"Earth holds the Nazarene within her grasp;
Trouble with Him," Pilate said, "is past.
He cannot now, as He has often said,
Rise in three days if He were dead.
Go soldiers, place a guard o'er His grave . . .
Seal fast the entrance to the cave."
At last, morning came and the cold grey dawn;
Christ's followers, heartbroken, forlorn,
Departed from the city before it wad day
Wondering who would roll the stone away.
But lo! . . . the grave is empty, their Lord is gone,
An angel is guarding the tomb at early morn.
The sun bursts forth in all its glory
Across the earth it tells the story.
"The tomb is empty, the body is gone . . .
The Christ arose in the early morn."
So, sing ye people, let your voices ring,
Sing ye people: Oh, Christ is King."
Romans 5:6-8
You see at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrated his own ove for us in this. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 4: 21-25a
But now a righteousness from God, apart form law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. 22 This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for all ahave sinned and fall short of the glory of God 24 and are justifies freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 25God presented him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in his blood.
Romans 5:6-8
You see at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. 8But God demonstrated his own ove for us in this. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
"The Robe"
I wish I could have been the robe
Jesus wore that day
I would have held Him close to me
Stayed with Him all the way
Caressing His so tender flesh
While tethered to the rack
I'd have been a buffer for the lash
That bruised and tore His back
One sleeve would have dried the blood
Beneath His crown of thorns
While the other gently cupped His face
To comfort Whom they scorned
I'd have been the soothing fibers
'Twixt His body and the tree
My sash in reverence lowering Him
Once death appeared rein-free
In love wrapped arms around Him
Held Him snugly in the gloom
Then lifted them rejoicing
When He rose up from the tomb
I wish I could have been the robe
Jesus wore that day
To have eased His pain and suffering
When He took my sin away
 Linda Oliver
"Good Friday"
This is the day He suffered,
This is the day He died,
The day that He was martyred,
The day the angels cried.
This is the day the soldiers jeered,
When they nailed him to the cross,
The day that foolish people cheered,
Not aware of their great loss.
This is the day the doves flew away,
The day that His blood ran free,
This is the day mankind was saved,
This day at Calvary.
This is the day of heartache,
The day of sacrifice,
This is the day He led the way,
Into Paradise.
This is the day we need to pray,
We need to fall upon our knees,
This is the day we need to say,
Father, forgive us, please.
If there had been another way,
Do you think He would have died?
No other man could take his place,
Not even if one tried.
God did not ask for volunteers,
But even if He had,
Would you have said, "Take me instead?"
Folks would have thought you mad.
None of us was good enough,
To take His place upon that cross,
None of us was rich enough,
To have paid that high a cost.
It's hard to believe a loving God,
Would sacrifice His Son,
But, it had to be that way, you see,
He was the only One.
He took our sin along with Him,
As directed from above,
None of us so generous,
We would offer that much love.
He said He would leave the tomb,
He would ascend to heaven,
Three days later He was gone,
Hallelujah! He Was Risen!
Brother, you could not substitute,
You could not take His place,
He took yours - the only way,
God's most amazing grace.
This is the day the doves returned,
The greatest day on earth,
The day the stone was overturned,
The sign of man's rebirth.
This is the day He left the tomb,
The day the angels hailed,
This is the day the lilies bloomed,
The day to lift the veil.
This is the day that Mary's tears,
Upon her cheek were dried,
The day the angels quelled her fears,
By singing He's alive!
This is the day that Christ was seen,
Walking on the road,
In the flesh - no, not a dream,
In a white and holy robe.
This is the day He spoke aloud,
Hear, see, touch - He's real,
The day He rose up in the clouds,
God's truths for man revealed.
Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
Have a Blessed Easter
Dave and Barbara
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