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"I haven't moved"

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"I haven't moved"

  A couple was so in love that when they rode together in the car, the wife sat
  so close to her husband that it looked like there was a two-headed driver in
  the seat.

  Years later, she was sitting close to the door on the other side. A young
  couple passed them sitting snuggled up to each other. She looked over longingly
  at her husband and said with a sigh, "Remember the days when we used to sit so
  close to each other? I wonder what happened?"

  The husband looked over at her and quietly said, "Well, Honey, I haven't moved."

  O dear people, I hear from Christians, clergymen, churches and countries who
  once were so close to God. They snuggled up to Him. They loved His Word, His
  Church, prayer and preaching. Now their church is cold. Souls are not being
  saved. The joy of the Lord is missing and they wonder why? They ask where is

  God looks down and says, "I haven't moved."

  O dear people, God says, "Thou hast left (not lost) thy first love." God says
  return and do the first works. "People, Pastor, Christian, church, America, all
  other countries, we must come back to God. It all starts with ME. "Taint my
  brother nor my sister but its me O Lord standing in the need of prayer."

  This illustration just struck me and I felt the urge to send it to all of us
  to "examine ourselves" and do the first works that made us filled with HIs joy
  and His blessing.

  Father bless Your children and may we just snuggle up to You and do those
  wonderful works that kept the fire burning in our hearts. In Jesus name.
  All because of Calvary, sumner.

  "Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you" James 4:8.



1. the food that a person or animal usually consumes

2. a controlled intake of food and drink designed for weight loss, for health or religious reasons, or to control or improve a medical condition

3. a continuous or daily experience of, or indulgence in, something other than food


Looks like #3 sorta fits into my plan for today's offering.

Lord, help me with the perfect diet.

Nourish my soul with Your Food ForThought.

Lead me to Your Living Waters.

Encourage me to partake of Your Bread.

Remove any bitter taste in mouth after unpleasant encounters.

Delight in my smiles when I appreciate the sweetness of life with You.

Teach me how make and enjoy lemondade when lemons pile up.

Accept my ongoing gratitude, Oh Lord, for Your Blessing at every meal.

When I'm hungry for Your Word, Lord, nudge me to be still and listen.

And, Lord, what joy it is - just thinkin' about Your Feast planned for eternity.

Your Last Supper, though solemn, Lord, led to Your Glory for us all.

If God Had
If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it.
If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers every spring.

He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He listens.
He can live anywhere in the universe,
but He chose... your heart.

Face it friend, He is crazy about you!

God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow, sun without rain,
but He did promise strength
for the day, comfort for the tears,
and light for the way.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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