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Inspirational thoughts

Posted by: Danthepastor <Danthepastor@...>

First, I want to thank those who expressed concern while I was sick. I am feeling much better now.
Count your blessings
I visiting with my brother several years ago who was unable to walk and was confined to a wheelchair. It had been days since he had been out of the house and he wanted to get some fresh air. I took him to a near by park and we sat in the sunshine. I ask him what was the one thing he wanted most in life. He responded with something that has changed my concept of the blessings I have. He simply stated that he would like to be able to walk up six steps of stairs.  Since that day, whenever I am having a bad day or things get hard, I remind myself that I can walk up six steps.
Some one once said, "Things are never as bad as we think they are".
If you can walk up six steps of stairs, count your blessing today.
Dan Southern (Pastor)
Centreville Community Church (Spaniard Neck Rd.)
Centreville, Md.