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Is There No Sight?

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry

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Is There No Sight?
by J. Randal Matheny © 2012

Tell me, Lord, what is my servant gift?
I thought I knew, that you through me could lift
My neighbor toward the truth, but now my doubts
Leave me in confusion, with frequent bouts
Of anguish: why aren't spiritual fruits produced
Through my good labors? godly powers loosed
In Christ to build the kingdom for your praise?
Is there no sight, no sign, for all our days
Upon the earth? Must we go staggering blind,
Sowing, sowing, with nary a fruit to find,
Until, on that last day, discover how
The Spirit worked, silent at the plow?
If so, can I survive until that time,
To toil, tireless, while eating dust and grime?
Yes, yes, faith I need, and faithfulness,
Until that hour when you decide to bless!
Show me, Sovereign, when and how and where
To serve and, trusting, how to dare, to dare!

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