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It Shows In Your Eyes

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

It Shows In Your Eyes 
It was a cold bitter evening in North Virginia many years ago. The old man's beard was glazed by winter's frost while he waited for a ride across the river. The wait seemed endless, his body became numb and stiff from the frigid north wind. He heard the faint, steady rhythm of approaching hooves galloping along the frozen path.
Anxiously he watched as several horsemen rounded in the bend. He let the first pass on without an effort to get his attention. Then another one passed by, then another. Finally the last rider neared the spot, where the old man set like a frozen statue. As this one drew near, the old man caught the rider's eye.
I said Sir, would you mind giving a old man a ride to the other side? There doesn't seem to be a passageway by foot. Reining his horse the rider replied, sure thing hope aboard. Seeing the old man was unable to lift his half frozen body from the ground.
The horseman dismounted and helped the old man onto the horse. The horseman took the old man not just across the river, but to his destination, which was just a few miles away.
Just as they neared the tiny, but cozy cottage, the horseman's curiosity caused him to inquire. Sir, I noticed that you let several other riders pass by without making an effort to secure a ride, then I came up and you immediately asked me for a ride. I am curious why on such a bitter night you would wait and ask the last rider. What if I refused and left you there?
The old man lowered himself slowly down from the horse. Looked the rider straight in the eyes and replied. I have been around these here parts for a long time. I reckon I know people pretty good, the old timer continued. I looked into the eyes of the other riders and immediately saw that no one was concerned about my situation. It would have been useless to even have asked for a ride, but when I looked into your eyes, kindness and compassion were evident.
I knew then and there that your gentle spirit would welcome the opportunity to give me assistance in my time of need. Those heart warming comments touched the horseman deeply.
I am most grateful for what you have said, he told the old man. May I never get to busy in my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others with kindness and compassion. With that Thomas Jefferson turned his horse around and made his way back to the white house.
To My Friends 
To My Friends Who Are............

  Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry",
  not "where are you' but "I'm right here",
  not "how could you" but "I understand",
  not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."

  To My Friends Who Are............

  The true measure of compatibility is not the years
  spent together but how good you are for each other.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person."
  It's about finding someone who helps you become the best
  person you can be.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as
  you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive
  heartbreaks but to learn from them.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent
  but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand
  and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  True love cannot be found where it does not truly exist,
  nor can it be hidden where it truly does. Love is magic.
  The more we hide it, the more it shows; the more you
  suppress it, the more it grows.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  Never say I love if you don't care.
  Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
  Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
  Never look in the eye when what you do is lie.
  The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her
  fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with
  someone else but it's more painful to know that the one
  you love is unhappy with you.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even
  more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the
  most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  A sad thing about life is that when you meet someone who
  means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it
  was never bound to be and we just have to let go.

  To My Friends Who Are............

  Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more
  it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it would come
  to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy
  but often times it hurts, but love's only special when
  you give it to someone who is worth it. So take your time
  and choose the best.

  The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is
  the distance between your knees and the floor in prayer.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara 
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