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Momma's Cryin Thursday

Posted by: Bigguyhereagain <Bigguyhereagain@...>

Momma's Cryin   

Hello, Mr. God.
Are you still awake, Sir?
I need to talk to you.
It's about momma.  You know her.

Somthun' bad happn'd, today,
That made my momma cry, a lot.
Some lady, from the church, called and said
Somthun' she didn't know was true or not.

Momma cried and cried, all day long;
Even 'til daddy got home.
He was upset and hugged momma close.
He says she's jest an old gossip
(What is that?) on the phone.

Daddy told momma not to cry,
Give it to Jesus, and forget it
And tell her she can't come here
No more, not even to visit.

Momma says it was awful lies and
What if everyone else thinks it's true?
Momma wouldn't do nut'in wrong.
Hey, Mr. God, I am mad.  Aren't you?

You know, Mr. God, I wanna go to her house
And poke her in the nose;
And spray her, all over,
With the garden hose.

Then, I wanna yell at her
And kick her legs, with my feet.
But, Mr. God, could You do that for me,
'Cause I can't cross the street?

Will you help Momma feel all better
An tell that lady she is really bad
For making my momma cry so much,
"Cause now she's so sad?

I heard momma prayin' for the mean lady,
That you would make her stop her lyin'
And that you would bless her anyway.
She said that, even when she was cryin

Do people ever say bad things to Jesus' mom?
I sure wish they wouldn't, don't you,
'Cause mommas are special people?
They always seem to know jest what to do.

I hope I didn't wake you Mr. God.
I jest had to talk to You, 'fore I went to bed.
You'll have to ask momma
Jest what the mean lady said.

Would You hug mama, real good, tonight
And make her feel better (for dad and me)
And, then, take that old mean lady
And put her across your knee?

Thank You, Mr. God, for listenin
Now, You can go back to sleep.
Send the angels to watch over us
And momma's secrets to keep.

Daddy says you will fix it and
What daddy says is always right.
Well, sorry if I woke You.
Tell the angels and Jesus
Andy says, "Good night."

Self Control

I've heard it said don't go to bed
while hanging on to sorrow,
you may not have the chance to laugh
with those you love tomorrow.

You may not mean the words you speak
when anger takes its toll,
you may regret your actions
once you've lost your self-control.

When you've lost your temper
and you've said some hurtful things,
think about the heartache
that your actions sometime bring.

You'll never get those moments back,
such precious time to waste,
and all because of things you said
in anger and in haste.

So if you're loving someone
and your pride has settled in,
you may not ever have the chance
to say to them again...

"I love you and I miss you
and although we don't agree,
I'll try to see your point of view,
please do the same for me."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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