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Oh! Stubborn Self

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry

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Oh! Stubborn Self
by J. Randal Matheny © 2012

The heart is laced with hard desire,
Against the goad, the will of God—
Oh! stubborn self, oh! stone of rebellion!
That grinds underfoot the grace of heaven.

Then must I tire of mad denials,
Surrender the serpent's ready delusions;
Else portals of pearl will hold no appeal,
Nor crowns nor thrones will I crave below.

Burn, burn all dross and bathe me in purity,
Come purge my soul of putrid intentions;
Melt all resistance and end my flailings,
Bring light and love to this barren life.

— ‹‹ @@ ›› —

1. On the webpage, an image of a stubborn self, reflections
about stubbornness and humility, and a piece of a Bible
Bible verse that I was reminded of.
2. If you enjoyed this poem, please forward it, as is,
to your friends.
3. Recommend Cloudburst Poetry to your local newspaper,
favorite poetry journal, church bulletin or general
interest magazine.