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"Old Geezers" Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Old Geezers"
"Geezers" (slang for an old man) are easy to spot: At sporting events, during the playing of the Star Spangled BANNER, Old Geezers remove their caps and stand at attention and sing without embarrassment. They know the words and believe in them.
Old Geezers remember the Depression, World War II, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal , Normandy and Hitler. They remember the Atomic Age, the Korean War 1950-53-55, The Cold War, Vietnam, the jet age and the moon landing the 50 plus Peacekeeping Missions from 1945 to 2005 the Jet Age and the Moon Landing.
If you bump into an Old Geezer on the sidewalk, he will apologize. If you pass an Old Geezer on the street, he will nod or tip his cap to a lady. Old Geezers trust strangers and are courtly to women. Old Geezers hold the door for the next person and always, when walking, make certain the lady is on the inside for protection.
Old Geezers get embarrassed if someone curses in front of women and children and they don't like any filth on TV or in movies.
Old Geezers have moral courage. They seldom brag unless it's about their grandchildren.
It's the Old Geezers who know our great country is protected,not by politicians or police, but by the young men and women in the military serving their country.
This country needs Old Geezers with their decent values. We need them now more than ever.
Thank God for Old Geezers!
You have been accused of bombarding God with prayers! You are hereby sentenced to Long Life & Prosperity, No Bail, No Appeal. You have been labeled Blessed and hereby detained in God's custody forever, Amen. You have been destined to make it and you shall surely achieve all your goals this year. If you believe, send this email to all your friends including me the one that sent it to you.
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, but Faith looks up!
Lord, grant me patience to endure my blessing.
"Now We All Need To Start Our Days Off Like This"
Wash Day
Lord, help me wash away all my selfishness and vanity, so I may serve
you with perfect humility through the week ahead.
Ironing Day
Dear Lord, help me iron out all the wrinkles of prejudice I have
collected though the years so that I may see the beauty in others.
Mending Day
O God, help me mend my ways so I will not set a bad example for others.
Cleaning Day
Lord Jesus, help me to dust out all the many faults I have been hiding
in the secret corners of my heart.
Shopping Day
O God, give me the grace to shop wisely so I may purchase eternal
happiness for myself and all others in need of love.
Cooking Day
Help me, my Savior, to brew a big kettle of brotherly love and serve it
with clean, sweet bread of human kindness.
The Lord's Day
O God, I have prepared my house for you. Please come into my heart so I
may spend the day and the rest of my life in your presence.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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