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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Free: Pick Up Your Passport For Heaven  
I have read how, in the spring of 1981, a young man was
flown into desolate northern Alaska to photograph the
natural beauty and mysteries of the tundra. He took along
500 rolls of film, several firearms, and 1,400 pounds of
As the months passed, the words in his diary changed from
wonder and fascination into a nightmare. In August he
wrote, "I think I should have used more foresight about
arranging my departure. I'll soon find out."
In November he died in a nameless valley, by a nameless
lake, 225 miles northeast of Fairbanks. An investigation
revealed that though he had carefully planned his trip, he
had made no provision to be flown out.
Difficult to imagine, isn't it? How could anyone be so
foolish? He made every provision for his journey except
how to get home! Unbelievable!
"How tragic," we say. And yet, how many of us make
every provision for life here on earth but no preparation
for our departure?
God has warned us in his Word, the Bible, that there is life
after death ... after which is God's judgment. And as he
warned the nation of Israel to prepare to meet God (Amos
4:12), he warns us to do the same. We need to do this
today. After death it is too late. As God's Word also says,
"It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).
And how do we prepare to meet God? By confessing our
sins to God and accepting his Son, Jesus, as our personal
Lord and Savior. Doing this is getting your "passport into
Whatever you do, don't leave earth without it! To help you
do this and prepare to meet God, click on the "FIND
GOD TODAY" button link at [11] below:
    TIME  ...
    We enter it at birth,
    We pass through it in life,
    We exit it at death.
    It is our preparation-
    for eternity!
Suffering And Others          
  One of the ways to get through hard times is to think of others.
  I have a friend who is suffering with cancer yet his disposition
  and Christ like attitude is literally amazing.  He has a smile on
  his face and a heart full of joy.  God is giving to him special
  grace.  What is even more endearing is that when you talk to him
  he's not caught up with his suffering.  It's amazing how little
  time he talks about it.  He's not living in denial.  He will
  answer questions about it and tell you what's going on but he's
  thinking of others.  He's praying for others.  I just pray that
  when suffering and affliction knocks on my door I will have this
  What a tremendous model and example this dear brother in the Lord
  is.  Suffering will visit all of us.  It's just a matter of time.
  We can't get around it.  It's written into the overall DNA of
  this life that we will suffer.  If we live long enough every last
  one of us will face major, catastrophic difficulties and disappoint-
  ments in life, maybe sickness, and crisis.  We'll suffer.  They'll
  be disappointments, discouragements, trials, and physical illnesses.
  Suffering is a part of the pilgrimage.  What are we going to do
  when it's our turn?  How are we going to respond?  I've watched
  many people and some do a good job and some not so well.
  To tell you the truth there have been times in my life when I
  didn't do so well when I went through a hard time.  I didn't
  respond the way God wanted me to respond.  I wasn't thinking
  about other people I was thinking about myself.  My head went
  down and I began to look at myself and bemoan my circumstances
  but that's not how you should handle it.  Is it?  That's not
  how you get by or get through.  I suppose as my friend did, we
  have to decide what really is important when we are going
  through a hard time and then choose to dwell on that.
  Evidently that is what the Apostle Paul did in 1 Thessalonians
  chapter 3 verses 7 and 8.  He talks about his distress and hard
  times.  Listen to these words; "For this reason brethren in all
  our distress and affliction we were comforted about you through
  your faith.  For now you really live since you stand firm in
  the Lord."
  He wasn't telling them how bad things were, how awful he feels
  and how desperate his situation was.  He says, "The thing that
  drew comfort to my soul was when I thought about you and that
  refreshed my heart."
  There are a few reminders here that we need to hold on to when
  we go through hard times.  First, choose to think about others.
  Number two; delight in God's work of grace in someone else's
  life.  Then thirdly, be encouraged by your eternal destiny and
  those you know who know the Savior.
  Here's what I want you to remember today.  Hard times will visit
  all of us but let's determine to keep our eyes on the Savior and
  allow Him to encourage us as we think of others.

Have a Blessed Day 
Dave and Barbara 
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