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Re: Posting

Posted by: davidrenewright <davidrenewright@...>

My apologies to those I may have stepped on toes. I have posted in the
past and with pretty much the same results. I guess I get the most
frustrated when we begin to do the chat room thing and I am trying to
gain some knowledge about how we all do our worship for instance.

We are down in the trenches most every Sunday and there are real issues,
equipment and personal challenges that we all face. I don't have IM
because of the inane quality of that form of communicating. In my
lurking, I have gained a lot from the list, so probably I need to be
more vocal in what I need to ask from time to time.

By being somewhat offensive in my last post, I received more responses
than when I asked the gear related questions. Sorry for the offense
and I will ask more directly from now on. A lot of what I need to know
should come from you guys and gals. Take the subject of burn out for
example. I am seeing a lot of that around me lately. I think even the
apostles felt it at times especially when stones were being pelted on
them. How do you help someone cope with this, how do you cope with your
own weaknesses?
