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Re Prayers For Niki

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

We're asking for constant prayers for Niki.  Niki is in very serious condition and I know that the family appreciates all of your prayers.    We have a powerful God and we're calling on Him, now.  May His Will be done.
Thank you so much for your prayers.  
When there's positive information to pass on, we will do so. 
Special Prayer For Niki
Heavenly Father I love and worship you. I glorify your mighty name above all names.  Everytime I pray to you Lord I feel such a humble love.  A deep gratitude for all that you have done. 
     Lord being our precious Savior You healed the lepers, the blind and the lame.  We know that You can heal these hurts and sorrows. You are the same yesturday, today and forever.  Your Word says that in Hebrews 13:8.  Your desire is for all of your children to accept Salvation and join you in Heaven. We know that You desire none of us to suffer an eternity without You. This is your desire and it is your will.  Your Word says it! 
     Lord we know that you allow things to come into our lives for a reason. The greatest of which is to save souls for your kingdom.  By your name Lord Jesus Christ and by Your authoriy please bind Satan and cast him away.
    Lord we ask you by your blood and saving grace, to touch mightly this situation with Niki and bring about Your healing and Salvation.  Lord our hearts cry out to you.  Niki  needs your love and understanding, as she goes through these hurts and trials.  Please surround all of the family  involved with Your beautiful angels bringing them peace and comfort. 
     Please help this special family to see through your eyes with a solid strength of faith.  Help them to walk in a Holy Spirit given power of faith. A faith like they have never had before. Thank you sweet Jesus and in your name. Amen
The Power Of Prayer
The Devil will work hard to get you not to pray because he knows the POWER OF PRAYER.

Prayer is talking to God straight from you heart

Prayer is saying to God whatever is on your mind.

Speak Boldly, hold nothing back. You can talk to God about small or big things.

God hears our prayers and he will answer your prayers.


*Sometimes it is best to just stop and begin to pray, without planning to.

*It doesn't matter where you pray. God can be reached anywhere

*You can pray silently, out loud, it can be short, or long, in any position, in any language.

*You can be by yourself, With someone else, Or with groups of people.


Thank you all that are praying for Niki and sending your names to be added to a list for her. God answers prayer and all of us together praying can watch for God's work being done.

Dave and Barbara