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Special Valentine's Day Edition

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Come Lord Jesus  
Come Lord Jesus on this Valentine's
Day and be our heavenly guest.
Show us, teach us how to receive
all of your eternal love and rest.

We ask You to come Jesus, and be
our most Holy One this special day.
We praise You, Lord Jesus, for in
You we eventually find our way.

If You had not loved us first,we
would have no future or salvation.
Come Lord Jesus, let Your love flow
into our lives all across this nation.

Let no one forget what Valentine's
Day is all about, we ask You Lord.
Send Your spirit and captivates as
we wait for the day of faith's reward.

Come Lord Jesus, on this love filled
day and we will humbly be Your host.
We want You, we praise You, we
need You and we love You the most.


You Can Hide Wonderful  
You can't hide God's
wonderful love.
Some try, but it always
rises above.

Some would want you to
think there is no Almighty.
But, they are wrong - they
are blind and can't see.

For God is everywhere
that you care to look.
He is not just someone
written about in a book.

The Holy Bible is God's
wonderful true story.
It can't be hidden
it came from glory.

God sees to it things
work out for the best.
But, don't be foolish
and put Him to a test.

Instead, open your heart
and receive His grace.
It's wonderful - for God's
love is every place!!

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
We wish each of you a Happy Valentine's Day!
We wish you a safe and happy weekend.
We will be back on Monday.

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