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Stop or Slow Down

Posted by: tz8cy5 <tz8cy5@...>

A man approached a four way intersection in his car. As he slowed down, he
could clearly see that no other traffic was approaching, so he continued
through the stop sign without stopping. However, a police officer, who was
positioned behind a nearby billboard, observed the man's infraction and pulled
him over to give him a ticket. The man asked, "Why was I stopped, I
couldn't possibly be speeding?"

The officer replied, "Sir, you failed to come to a full stop at the stop =sign at the intersection back there."

The man replied, "But I did slow down and that was just as good."

The officer disagreed with the man and to illustrate his point, he pulled out his
night stick and began beating the man over the head with it. While doing this
he asked the man, "Now, do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"