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THAT'S GOD Wednesday

Posted by: Bigguyhereagain <Bigguyhereagain@...>

Have you ever been just sitting there and all
of a sudden you feel like doing something nice
for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD...
He talks to you through the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD...
He wants you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking about somebody
that you haven't seen in a long time and then
next thing you know... you see them or receive
a phone call from them? THAT'S GOD...
There ! is no such thing as "coincidence."
Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for? Like money in the mail, a debt that had mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted,but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD...
He knows the desires of your heart...
Have you ever been in a situation and you had
no clue how it is going to get better, but now as
you look back on it, you got through it? THAT'S GOD...
He passes us through tribulation to see a brighter day.
My Daily Wish
My daily wish is that we may
See good in those who pass our way;

Find in each a worthy trait
That we shall gladly cultivate;

See in each one passing by
The better things that beautify

A softly spoken word of cheer,
A kindly face, a smile sincere.

I pray each day that we may view
The things that warm one's heart anew;

The kindly deed that can't be bought
That only from good are wrought,

A burden lightened here and there,
A brother lifted from despair,

The aged ones freed from distress;
The lame, the sick, brought happiness.

Grant that before each sun has set
We'll witness deeds we can't forget;

A soothing hand to one in pain,
A sacrifice for love - not gain;

A word to ease the troubled mind
Of one whom fate has dealt unkind.

So, friend, my wish is that we may
See good in all who pass our way.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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