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The ABC's Of Christmas

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

      <>< The ABC's Of Christmas ><> 


Angels from the realms of glory,
Telling of the Chistmas story.


Bethlehem beckons with joyful accord;
Come hither, come see and worship the Lord.


Christ was born onChristmas Day,
Asleep in a manger, a bed made of hay.


Divine and holy is Thy Birth;
Wing your flight o'er all the earth.


Everlasting Father, and Father of all,
Look with mercy and love on us all.


"Fear not," said the angel, one night long ago.
"I bring you good tidings, for this I know."


"Glory to the Son," we sing,
"Chist, our Prophet, Priest and King."


Heavenly hosts, their watch are keeping,
Precious child so sweetly sleeping,


Immanuel, we sing Thy praise,
Thou Prince of Life, Thou Fount of Grace.


Joy to the world, the Lord is come,
Born in a manger, God's only son.


King of Kings, prophets foretold,
Now all men His love behold.


Love is a gift He gives to all.
To each of us, both great and small.


Messiah and Savior--for this He came--
Live in our hearts and there remain.


Night so holy, silent and still,
Proclaiming joy, peace and good will.


Odors of Edom and offerings divine,
Myrrh from the forest and gold from the mine.


Peace on earth, good will from heaven,
Souls redeemed and sins forgiven.


Quietly He came to earth
To give us all a second birth.


Rejoice, give thanks and loudly sing,
Glory to the new-born King.


Shepherds watched their flocks by night
While Wise Men followed the heavenly light.


Tidings of great joy I bring;
Good news from heaven the angels sing.


Unto us a Child is born
On this happy Christmas Morn.


Virgin-born, Immanuel,
Let every tongue Thy praises tell.


Wise Men from the East, they came
To worship and praise His holy name.


X is for Christ when in Greek it is read,
A Savior, the Lord, so the angel said.


Yonder shines brightly the heavenly star
Showing the way to those from afar.


Zeal was bestowed on God's only Son
From His childhood years till His work was done

<>< God's Recorder ><> 

God's recorder is hidden from view  
Recording the things we say and do.
We'll give an account to Him one day
For what we do and what we say.
Thoughts and intentions are recorded as well, Things we may
or may not tell. All are taped on the Master's machine
To be viewed and judged on His heavenly screen.
Under conviction we see our soul within, Apart from God and
lost in sin. Then confessing we repent, on bended knee,
To the one who died to set us free.
The tape is reversed to the very start... God erases it all as
he cleanses our heart. A new beginning by his marvelous grace,
Equipping us fully, temptation to face.
No longer yielding to this world's charms, We rest completely
in our Savior's arms. At times we slip and fall short of His
best, Failing to meet the trial or the test -
Again we come to our Lord in prayer, And asking forgiveness,
we find Him there, Ready to cleanse as we seek His face -
Yes, our loving Father once again will erase...
Removing that which doesn't belong, Replacing it with a
joyful song. Oh, may our lives be found in decent order...
When our tape is played by God's Recorder.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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