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The Christmas Rose Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Christmas Rose"
I wander through the snow filled streets
My head sadly hanging low
I couldn't see the twinkling lights
Nor the freshly fallen snow
My mind occupied in other things
Amassed in intense sorrow
Seeking out the Christmas spirit
For the day that would come tomorrow

Dismayed at the loss of meaning
For Christmas and all it's worth
Sad that all seemed to have forgotten
The purpose of the blessed birth
The news these days filled with tales
Of violence greed and tears
So hard to find joy in Christmas
These past few war torn years
A battered man sits in a doorway
Tucked neatly out of the way
A box before his feet held flowers
Who had seen their better days
A sign said "Christmas flowers for sale
In his old eyes a silent plea
Though my heart was dull and heavy
I couldn't ignore his need
I reached into my pocket
And put a dollar in his hand
His eyes lit up like Christmas stars
As if my gift were grand
His sudden smile warm and friendly
Caught me by surprise
He seemed to lose years of age
Right before my eyes
He reached into his battered coat
And on this brisk cold night
Removed a miracle from within
A perfect rose of purest white
"For you my pretty lady"
He said in a voice so clear
"You look as if you could use
A bit of Christmas cheer"
But sir, I started to protest
That flower you should save
It's worth more than five times as much
Than the dollar that I gave
Isn't it the way things were
That night two thousand years before
We are asked to give so little
And have received so much more
Although your heart lay heavy
You saw I had a need
This gift of Christmas spirit
Sweet lady is yours to keep
I bent to wipe unbidden tears
And when my vision cleared
I was alone as before
The man had simply disappeared
Even the box of flowers was gone
Nothing left of him sitting there
Yet on the doorstep a single dollar
His message became quite clear
At Christmas let's be reminded
Of what this day is for
God not only gives back what we give Him
But through His Son gave us so much more
"Gospel Tree"
There once was a shining Christmas tree
Standing out where all could see.
Its brilliance captured very eye
And seemed to cheer each passer-by.
"The lights are so bright", they would say
And hesitate to walk away.
The tree stood proud ablaze with light
For every light was burning bright.
Then one bulb was heard to say
"I'm tired of burning night and day;
I think I'11 just go out and rest
For I'm too tired to do my best;
Besides, I am so very small
I doubt if I'd be missed at all."
Then a child lovingly touched the light
"Look,mother, this one shines so very bright.
I think of all the lights upon the tree
This one looks the best to me."
"Oh my goodness," said the light
"I almost dimmed right out of sight.
I thought perhaps no one would care
If I failed to shine my share."
With that a glorious brilliance came
For every light had felt-the same.
Our Gospel, like this Christmas tree
With little lights which are you and me
We each have a space that we must fill
With love, and lessons and good will.
Let's keep our tree ablaze with light
With testimonies burning bright.
For our Gospel is a living tree
That lights the way to eternity

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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