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The Lord's Baseball Game Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"The Lord's Baseball Game"
Bob and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team. The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero, and it was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs.
They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate whose name was Love. Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because Love never fails.
The next batter was named Faith, who also got a single because Faith works with Love.

The next batter up was named Godly wisdom. Satan wound up and threw the first pitch. Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass: Ball one. Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked, because Godly wisdom never swings at what Satan throws. The bases were loaded.
The Lord then turned to Bob and told him He was now going to bring in His star player. Up to the plate stepped Grace.
Bob said, "He sure doesn't look like much!"
Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace. Thinking he had won the game, Satan wound up and fired his first pitch. To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen. But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by. He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing on the ground; then it continued over the fence for a home run!
The Lord's team won.
The Lord then asked Bob if he knew why Love, Faith, and Godly Wisdom could get on base but could not win the game. Bob answered that he did not know why.
The Lord explained, "If your love, faith and wisdom had won the game you would think you had done it by yourself. Love, faith and wisdom will get you on base, but only My Grace can get you home.
Author Unknown
"Lessons Learned"
When I was a young child,
I went to church and Sunday school,
I learned the 23rd Psalm,
And God's great Golden Rule.
He taught me that obedience,
Was His ultimate desire,
And that it keeps all His children,
From wallowing in life's muddy mire.
So many years have flown by,
Sometimes old problems still exist,
No matter how hard I've tried,
I'm far from being a perfectionist.
But those early lessons that I learned,
Keep me on my weary toes,
 I know who my Savior is,
And my faith in Him still grows.
When we yearn for His Presence,
And we listen for His gentle voice,
He forgives the mistakes we make,
Which reminds us to rejoice.
I have found His promises are all true,
I have everything I need,
He always encourages me,
To plant another fertile seed.
When we asked Jesus to come in,
Life takes on a brighter view,
And life's trials and temptations,
Will never conquer you.
Teach the little children,
Show them how to pray,
Ask Jesus to love and bless them,
As they walk life's narrow highway
Eva May Young
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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