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The Years

Posted by: randal <randal@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry

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The Years

No man has power to retain the spirit,
or power over the day of death.
Ecc 8.8a ESV

The years were kind, they gently rolled,
For gathered wealth and wider space;
The years inched forward, went unheard
Their silent march toward age and grave,
The years in time, by human plans.

The years ignored, each day a chance
To turn from sin, to break from self;
The years marched on, their justice sure,
The eternal clock's perpetual hands,
The years of grey and denial of death.

The years forgotten, buried deep
In folds of guilt, red hands unwashed;
The years unlived, an hour in loops
Of endless search; and endless now
The years of counting dark regret.

— ‹‹ @@ ›› —

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