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Thoughts For Life

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Thoughts For Life 
The greatest handicap....................Fear
The best day.................................Today
The easiest thing to do..................Find Fault
Most useless asset........................Pride
The greatest stumbling block...........Egotism
The greatest mistake.......................Giving up
The greatest comfort........................Work Well Done
The most disagreeable person..........The Complainer
The worst bankruptcy........................Loss of Enthusiasm
The greatest need............................Common Sense
The meanest feeling.........................Regret of Another's Success
The best gift to give..........................Forgiveness
The best gift to get..........................Forgiveness
The most to receive.........................Salvation  / Life Eternal
The greatest moment.......................Now
The greatest knowledge.....................God
The greatest gift in the world.............Love
The greatest warmth........................To Be Wrapped In God's Love
The greatest peace..........................To Have God's Love In Your Heart
The greatest taste............................God' Phrases On Your Tongue
The greatest feeling..........................A Song of Phrase in your Heart

The Greastes Words Ever To Be Heard .........................
  Well Done , Good And Faithful Servent; Entre Thou Into The Joy Of Thy Lord
Mt 25:21
The Promise 

There's a promise in our sorrow
and a blessing when we sigh.
There's a light beyond the shadows
and a cleansing when we cry.

So when we are discouraged,
and face tremendous grief;
it is during those times of trouble,
that the heavens send relief.

With our heart in tune with Jesus,
our source of joy and peace,
be mindful of His promise,
that all suffering He would cease.

He's cried our tears of sadness;
He's felt our every pain,
He's walked our path before,
all glory to His name.

Just listen for the spirit,
as it whispers to be still,
for there is joy and comfort
beyond sad Calvary's hill.

So if the sky should darken
and if the earth should quake,
remember life has struggles
on the journey that we take.

The aftermath of sorrow
is beauty and pure light,
if we can fight the battle
and pray with soul and might.

He sent us rainbow colors
to follow cleansing rain,
He showed us there are miracles
that come with all the pain.

Seek forbearance in the hardships,
or when we fear or roam.
Cast your burdens on the Savior,
and He'll come and take us home.

For He is our great Redeemer
our only true best friend,
He promised he would never leave,
He'll guide us to the end.

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara  


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