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Treat Them Well Monday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Monday is Civic Holiday here in Canada. We wish all our Canadian readers a safe and fun-filled family day.

"Treat Them Well"

One day someone's mother died, and on that clear, cold morning;
in the warmth of her bedroom, the daughter was struck with, the
pain of learning that sometimes, there just isn't "Anymore."
Anymore hugs,
Anymore lucky moments to celebrate together,
Anymore phone calls just to chat,
Anymore good sound advice.
or Anymore "just one minute, pleases."
Sometimes, what we care about the most goes away.
Never to return, before we can say good-bye, or "I Love You."
So while we have it . . it's best we love it, care for it, fix it when
it's broken, and take good care of it when it's sick.
This is true for marriage, friendships, children with bad report cards,
dogs with bad hips, aging parents and grandparents.
We keep them because they are worth it, because we cherish them!
Some things we keep -- Like a best friend who moved away or a
classmate we grew up with.
There are just some things that make us happy, No matter what.
Life is important, and so are the people we know, and so, we
keep them close!
Treat them well, because we never know when they will be gone
and we don't want to miss a minute of the time we have,
or live with regrets after they are gone, for the mistakes
that we made while they were here.
"Time and Love"
Once upon a time there was an island where all the feelings lived;
happiness, sadness, knowledge, and all the others, including love.
One day it was announced to all of the feelings
that the island was going to sink to the bottom
of the ocean. So all the feelings prepared
their boats to leave.
Love was the only one that stayed. She wanted
to preserve the island paradise until the last
possible moment. When the island was almost
totally under, love decided it was time to leave.
She began looking for someone to ask for help. Just then
Richness was passing by in a grand boat. Love asked,
"Richness, Can I come with you on your boat?"
Richness answered, "I'm sorry, but there is a lot of silver and gold
on my boat and there would be no room for you anywhere."
Then Love decided to ask Vanity for help who was passing in a
beautiful vessel. Love cried out, "Vanity, help me please."
"I can't help you", Vanity said, "You are
all wet and will damage my beautiful boat."
Next, Love saw Sadness passing. Love said,
"Sadness, please let me go with you."
Sadness answered, "Love, I'm sorry but I just need to be alone now."
Then, Love saw Happiness. love cried out,
"Happiness, please take me with you."
But Happiness was so over overjoyed
that he didn't hear Love calling to him.
Love began to cry. Then she heard a voice say, "Come Love, I will take
you with me." It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that
she forgot to ask the elder his name. When they arrived on land the
elder went on his way. Love realized how much she owed the elder.
Love then found Knowledge and asked. "It was Time", Knowledge
answered. "But why did Time help me when no one else would?",
Love asked. Knowledge smiled and with deep wisdom and
sincerity, answered, "Because only Time is capable of
understanding how great Love is."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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