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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

When Jesus looks upon my life,
What picture does He see.
Does He see His own reflection,
Or does He just see me.
Does He see His likeness,
The product of His hand.
Or just another Christian,
Who never took a stand.
Does He see a child of God,
A child that He set free.
Living life to honor Him,
Or does He just see me.
What about the other folks,                  
I meet along the way.
Do I show them Jesus,
To brighten up their day.
When someone looks into my eyes,
Can they truly see.
That calm and gentle peace of God,
That dwells inside of me.
When I reach out and shake a hand,
Is He right there in my grip.
Can they feel that strength from God,
That steadies when I slip.
When folks are in my presence,
Do they know His Spirit's there.
Can they see that He's the one,
Who guides me everywhere.
When other people think of me,
What is on their mind.
Do they think of Jesus Christ,
So gentle and so kind.
I try to be like Jesus,
Every single day.
Spreading love and kindness,
All along my way.
I'm afraid that I have failed,
I could not pass the test.
Deep inside my heart I know,
I haven't done my best.
I have had to fight my flesh,
Since the day that I was born.
It's always causing trouble,
And being such a thorn.
That's why His Spirit dwells in me,
He's helping me to learn.
In every situation,
Where I need to turn.
He knew I'd never pass the test,
That's why He took my place.
He gave His life to save my soul,
He suffered my disgrace.
Now I try to be like Him,
I must present Him well.
So other folks will want His gift,
And turn their backs on hell.
Other folks should see the joy,
That Christ has given me.
They should want to have it too,
Especially since it's free.
They should begin to ask me,
What is it they must do.
Just how it is they go about,
Getting Jesus too.
Then I get to tell them,
This wondrous gift is free.
It only takes a humble heart,
A prayer on bended knee.
Someday when I'm face to face,
With the Lord who set me free.
Will He see His own reflection,
Or will He just see me.

"Morning Poem"
I woke early one morning,
The earth lay cool and still
When suddenly a tiny bird
Perched on my window sill.
He sang a song so lovely
So carefree and so gay,
That slowly all my troubles
Began to slip away.
He sang of far-off places
Of laughter and of fun,
It seemed his very trilling
brought up the morning sun.
I stirred beneath the covers
Crept slowly our of bed,
Stretched to relieve my muscles.
Took a breath of fresh, crisp air.
And Thanked the Lord for a beautiful
day, and thanked him for my family
 and friends and especially for you.
.So be a morning person, if not you
missed a beautiful day.. 
Please Note!
To go to OurWayofSharing or Gospelline-2000 you now have to use the links below as they are now converted to free sites and the previous links no longer work to get to the sites.
There are two ways of spreading light,
to be the candle or be the mirror
that reflects it.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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