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When There is Darkness, Oh Lord

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

<>< When There Is Darkness, Oh Lord ><>
When there is darkness, there is Your Light.
When there is doubt, there is Your Assurance.
When there is craziness, there is Your Sanity.
When there is weariness, there is Your Rest.
When there is pain, there is Your Comfort.
When there is grief, there is Your Consolation.
When there is thirst, there is Your Living Water.
When there is hunger, there is Your Divine Nourishment.
When there is homelessness, there is Your Shelter.
When there is nakedness, there is Your Cloak.
When there is conflict, there is Your Peace.
When there is despair, there is Your Embrace.
When there is anxiety, there is Your Serenity.
When there is restlessness, there is Your Calmness.
When there is gloom, there is Your Joy.
When there is fear, there is Your Protection.
When there is uncertainity, there is Your Solution.
When there is poverty, there is Your Help.
When there is blindness, there is Your Awareness.
When there is atonement, there is Your Forgiveness.
When there is thankfulness, there is Your Smile.
When there is loneliness, there is Your Companionship.
Whenever there is need, there is Your Love.

<>< Take Time For Ten Things ><>

    Take time to work . . .
    It is the price of success.
    Take time to think . . . 
    It is the source of power.
    Take time to play . . .  
    It is the secret of youth.
   Take time to read . . .  
    It is the foundation of knowledge.
   Take time to worship . . .
    It is the highway of reverence and washes the
    dust of earth from our eyes.
   Take time to help and enjoy friends . . .
    It is the source of happiness.
   Take time to love . . .   
    It is the one sacrament of life.
   Take time to dream . . .
    It hitches the soul to the stars.
    Take time to laugh . . .  
     It is the singing that helps with life's loads.
    Take time to plan . . .  
     It is the secret of being able to have time to
     take time for the first nine things.

<>< They Missed Him ><>

They were looking for A Lion.
He came as a Lamb, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a Warrior.
He came as a Peacemaker, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a King.
He came as a Servant, and they missed Him.
They were looking for Liberation from Rome.
He submitted to the Roman cross, and they missed Him.
They were looking for a fit to their mold.
He was the Mold Maker, and they missed Him.
What are you looking for? Lion? Warrior? King? Liberator?
What are you looking for?
They were looking for their temporal needs to be met.
He came to meet their eternal need, and they missed Him.
He came as a Lamb to be sacrificed for your sin.
Will you miss Him?
He came to make peace between God and man.
Will you miss Him?
He came to model servant hood for all mankind.
Will you miss Him?
He came that we might have true Liberty.
Will you miss Him?
He came to give you eternal life.
Will you miss Him?
When we submit to the Lamb, we will meet the Lion.
Join with the Peacemaker and we will meet the Warrior.
Work with the Servant and we will meet the King.
Walk with the Submitted and we will meet the Liberator.
Concern ourselves with the eternal and we will have the temporal.
If Jesus is not fitting into the mold you have, then come to the Mold Maker
and get His new one.
Submit to His plan for your life and you will see the eternal need met first.
Then all the other things you have need of will be taken care of as well.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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