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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

All of my friends tell me they can worship God just as
well playing golf, fishing on a lake or hunting in the woods.
No, I tell them, you can't hunt or fish or play golf in the
sanctuary and you can't worship in the same way outside of
the church. Sure, you may have a moment or two of wonder,
but not the life transforming moment that should happen in
the Presence of God and His people.
The first and obvious reason for worship is we need to
acknowledge that there is no God but God. You would think
this would be obvious, but during the week, all kinds of false
gods compete for our attention. This is the time where we
reestablish the proper order of our lives. God alone is worthy
of our worship.
Second, we gather together to encourage each other.
During the week, we often fight our battles alone, but when
we get together we are reminded that God is working in a lot of
places and in a lot of people. Worshiping together helps us keep
the challenges of our lives in eternal perspective.
Lastly, when God is working in your life, you simply
cannot praise God big enough or loud enough by yourself. You
need the help of your brothers and sisters to praise God. So,
we gather on Sunday. We sing; we pray; we worship - together.
It doesn't get any better.
When you look at your reflection
Who's that looking back at you?
Is that the face you want to see
Or is it someone new?
Does the person that you see look like
They're filled with warmth and love?
Have they turned their life over
To God up above?
Do you see someone who has an angel
Watching over them?
Or are they filled with pain and sorrow
Clear up to the brim?
Our reflection always shows us
Everything we need to see.
If we look with an open mind
And a lot of honesty.
So when you're feeling troubled
And you don't know what to do,
Take a good look at your reflection
'Cause the problem may be you.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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