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Wisdom Friday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

Don't be so busy adding up your troubles
that you forget to count your blessings.
The smallest deed done is
greater than the best of intentions.
Love is a language that can be heard
by the deaf and seen by the blind.
A house is made of wooden beams.
A home is made of love and dreams.
To be a good friend open your ears
and heart more often than your mouth.
People don't care how much you know
until they know how much you care.
"God Will Carry You"
When God doesn't do what we want,
It's not easy,never has been, never will be,
But faith is the conviction
that God knows more than we do
about this life and He will get us through it.
Remember, disappointment
is caused by unmet expectations.
Disappointment is cured by revamped expectations.
Next time you're disappointed, don't panic.
Don't give up,just be patient and let God remind you
He's still in control.
It isn't over till it's over.
Those who are sad now are happy,
Because God will comfort them,
Those who want to do right
more than anything else are happy,
Because God will fully satisfy them.
God will Carry You!
He looked around the hill and foresaw a scene.
Three figures hung on three crosses.
Arms spread, heads fallen forward.
They moaned with the wind.
Men clad in soldier's garb sat on the ground near the trio.
Men clad in religion, stood off to one side,
Arrogant, cocky.
Women clad in sorrow huddled at the foot of the hill,
Faces tear streaked.
All Heaven stood to fight, All nature rose to rescue.
All eternity poised to protect,
But the Creator gave no command.
"It must be done..,"He said, and withdrew,
The Angel spoke again,"It would be less painful.."
The Creator interrupted softly,"But it wouldn't be Love."
Remember he suffered for You, for all of us.
So when you feel lonely, hurt, confused and betrayed,
remember to let go...and let God Carry You!
The strength and courage we need for our lives,
The hope that can carry us through our problems,
Is offered to us in the promises of God.
He sent His Son, Jesus, into our world to defeat sin and death,
And to offer us the hope of eternal life with our heavenly Father.
Through faith in Jesus we become God's children
Children who can claim as their own ALL
The power of the promises God makes in His Word,
The Bible.
God does not promise that all of your problems will disappear,
Or that everything will work out the way you want it to in your life.
He does promise to be with you through your troubles,
Loving you, and caring about you.
He promises to offer you the strength and courage
You need to face your hardships.
So again, Let go and Let God Carry You!
If you are not interested in the fruits of sin, stay out of the Devil's orchard.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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