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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends and InPact prayer partners.
This is to notify you that I am taking the liberty of adding your e-mail address to a brand new prayer letter we are beginning entitled "PrayKIEV".
This letter is the first step in our ongoing development of a comprehensive city-wide prayer strategy.  The goal is to enlist believers around the world to pray for the city of Kiev.  We are also in the process of developing a website that will contain similar information.
Because you are part of our Hope4Kyiv InPact prayer team and have been interceding for us and our ministry in this city, I believe this added letter will help you do that more effectively.  You will be joining literally multiplied thousands of believers worldwide praying for this city.
Each PrayKIEV letter will include three elements ---- Brief interesting facts about Kiev, Principles of prayer and/or fasting, and a list of specific prayer requests.
It is easy to be removed from this letter if you decide you don't want to receive it.  So, after you've gotten this week's copy and have had a chance to read it, simply send a blank message to if you decide you don't want to receive it.  You will get a confirmation request to which you must respond by simply hitting "Reply" and "send".
However, Jo Ann and I pray that you'll be part of this growing band of intercessors.
Prayer Requests:
1.  The visa situation for our four ladies to attend the conference in Germany has not progressed in a positive way.  We are learning first-hand the corrupt nature of international politics and aged habits of former regimes.
At this point our ladies have been denied visas and have been denied an appeal.  The deadline for tickets is tomorrow.  Despite repeated efforts by the ladies, by me, and by the General Secretary of the International Baptist Convention himself, the German Embassy has not responded, has not given names we can contact, and has not given reasons for the denials.
We desperately need your intercession that God will soften hearts, cut through red tape, and bypass obstacles.
2.  Yesterday we met with our supervisor regarding a possible second term or an extension of our current term as IMB missionaries in Kiev.  Both the local leadership and regional leadership want us to continue ministering in Keiv, but in a more expanded way than we are currently doing.
The official offer is as follows:
    1)  Continue at International Baptist Church in a limited role of mentoring and training, but not as senior pastor.
    2)  Become Coordinator of Strategic Prayer Ministry for Kiev.
    3)  Become Assistant Academic Dean at Kiev Christian University in charge of developing a four-year practicum program for all students.  This would include creating from scratch a plan for placing all students into some type of local church setting where they would receive hands-on training in all aspects of church ministry, and providing optional plans for Summer internships for some students who can remain in Kiev.  It would also include some classroom teaching opportunities.
Everything sounds very appealing to us.  The possible "sticking point" which will ultimately determine our decision is the degree to which we will be allowed to continue ministering at IBC.
We meet Saturday with our Church Leadership Council from the church to discuss the church's future and how we fit into it.  After that meeting Jo Ann and I will be writing a formal request to our IMB leaders, stipulating what we feel God is leading us to do and what we are willing to do.
Pray for us in this process.  We'll give more details in the monthly Hope4Kyiv letter next week.
Thanks for your faithfulness.  It's been a challenging time for us.
In His Bond and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo An
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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