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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Here are the two most recent letters we've received from Jim and Deanna.  We think you will be encouraged through Jim's insights, and also motivated to pray in light of some evidences of possible complications.  All we can do is ask that you continue praying.  We're so grateful that nobody has asked to be taken off the list or has complained because of so many letters.  Everyone must know, as we do, that this is indeed a life and death situation, and current information is vital to our praying.
Bob and Jo Ann
Saturday night, around 8:00 CDT.
Not much change again today in Nicole.  She seems to have plateaued a bit.  She is up to her max. amount for feedings 1 ½ ounces.  She was fairly restless today for some reason and has some slight arythmia (irregular heart beat) - but it doesn't seem to be affecting her, so they aren't concerned about it.  She's had lots of messy diapers the past two days (which Deanna got to change, yippee! And stink city!)
There still are specific prayer requests, though.
+  Of course, our ultimate prayer and desire is for her complete healing and recovery from all traces of trisomy 18, including her heart and brain.
+  As far as specific requests for what must be accomplished before being transferred closer to home, pray she will gain weight.  She gains and then loses again.  Since she is up to her max. feed amount right now, she really needs to start gaining some weight. 
+  Also, her liver bilirubin count is still way too high and they still aren't sure what is causing that.  Pray it will decrease dramatically regardless of if they find the cause.  Pray her platelet counts will stay up.  They did determine that some antigens (or something) in my blood was at least part of the problem.  As she begins to produce her own blood supply, that "should" resolve itself. 
+  Pray for our other children's safety as they head down here tomorrow. and for our safety -
+ . . . and Deanna's health, strength, recovery -- as we travel back home on Monday to take care of some things and bring the kids back.  The trip on Thursday set Deana back a couple days as far as how she was feeling - pray that Monday's trip (which is necessary for her due to a doctor's appointment) won't have the same effect.
All of the above, in terms of Nicole's well-being is almost more frustrating than when she was going downhill.  Monotony seems like a cruel, selfish word to use when facing a situation like ours. but it's the truth.  I have to admit that today I don't feel strong.  Under the surface is that same old growing frustration, anger, fear.  OF COURSE I'm happy she is no longer declining. but I guess actually that's it.  When there isn't any improvement and when they still can't find the cause of the high billirubin (or whatever) and when her heart is beginning to act "funny" again. I guess maybe I wonder if she really is "plateaued."  
God was faithful again today and gave me "fresh words" of encouragement.  My daily readings (actually, I'm several days ahead now.) took me to Isa. 6.  When King Uzziah died, it was a very tenuous time in the history of Israel. dangerous, unsteady, uncertain, difficult.  And yet the FIRST thing Isaiah sees in his vision is "the Lord on His throne. high and exalted."  It reminded me of John's similar vision in Revelation.  A similar situation for John - lonely, exiled, troubled, etc. and in his vision, he also sees the Lord ON THE THRONE.  And then the Lord reminded me of the time when John the Baptist was in prison and sent his 2 disciples to Jesus to basically ask, "Are You REALLY the One? Have I been wasting time?  This sure isn't turning out the way I thought it would what with me in prison and all.  so I just need to be sure."
And Jesus simply tells John's disciples to tell him what they were seeing - the work of Christ, healings, the Gospel preached etc.  All of the above served as a kind reminder that no matter what we go through, . . . .
#1 - God is still on His throne (and not particularly nervous about losing His grip there.)  In other words, He is completely sovereign and all -powerful. 
#2 - He is working even when we can't see Him.  Sometimes it takes others to return to us in our prisons and declare, "Here's what God is doing."  That's what your prayer and e-mails mean to me. at least partly.  
From there, the Lord also showed me Isa. 7 - in verses 3-6, the prophet basically reveals the plans of the enemy. . . what the king has been told is going to happen.  But in verse 7, it says simply, "But THIS is what the Sovereign Lord says."  I'm not going to "spiritualize the text" by claiming that all of this is the enemy's work (I don't know
that.) but it was a kind reminder of one of the things God has said all along.  Basically, you've heard from the doctors. you've heard from this person and that person and they've told you what they believe will happen.  But it is our loving, heavenly Father who will have the final word about the future of my Victorious Heart.  Here's what the doctors (and your own heart and whoever else) are saying.  BUT. THIS is what the Sovereign Lord says.."
And, as I preached about a year ago, we're still waiting for God to fill in that blank in our situation.
Keep praying.


Here is a brief follow-up report from our Jim as of late Sunday morning:
The irregular heart beat mentioned in last night's e has gotten much worse. more defined.  The doctors are now keeping a pretty close eye on  things and MAY have to start Nicole on another heart medication - a Beta Blocker.
+  Also, we learned this morning that the whole team of doctors wants to have another pow-wow with us on Tuesday or Wednesday - so what all that means, we don't know.
+  Please pray, specifically, for her heart.  Pray that the irregular heartbeat cease and return to normal.  Pray for the strength and efficiency and proper working of her heart.  We STILL don't believe her name was accidental.  We still believe we will see Nicole's heart be Victorious.

Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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