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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

We cannot thank you enough for praying for our ladies and the visa situation.
Today, following dozens of probing and skeptical questions, the German Embassy granted visas for our ladies to attend the conference in Germany.
Less than 24 hours before time to catch the plane, the visas were granted.
We don't know what caused the Embassy to have such a change of heart, but we certainly know how.  It was through prayer.   "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes."  Prov 21:1
Now pray that they can all get packed, make arrangements, and catch the flight by early afternoon tomorrow.
Also ---- I failed to mention in my earlier letter that the interview with Kiev Christian University will be Friday afternoon.

Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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