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BBD 07.24.03 Make Room

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

Because of computer and personal problems the devotional has not been
written for a couple of weeks. Hopefully and prayerfully I will now be able
to write more frequently. Thank you for your prayers and understanding!!

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Today's devotional was written by my son, Clark Wrather, who is the pastor
of the First Baptist Church of Broken Bow, Oklahoma. Clark may be contacted
at The Scripture and title have been added.

The Burning Bush Devotional
(Over 8,000 subscribers in 75 countries)


Make Room

And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling
cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was NO ROOM for them in the
inn. - Luke 2:7.

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these
things shall be added to you. - Matthew 6:33.

Thankfully, most of you guys have never seen my garage. Let me confess, I
am not one of those people who keeps their garage in perfect order with
their tools lined up on the wall in alphabetical order. I just order my
things into haphazard piles of stuff and more stuff.

Libby calls me a pack-rat because I never throw anything away. I call her a
memory-trasher because she throws everything away. I guess opposites really
do attract....

I have noticed something interesting about myself. The things that I value
the highest and are most important to me get to stay in the garage. The
things that are not so important get lodged in the storage building in my

>From time to time I have to make adjustments in the junk in my garage to fit
something new or more important inside. Over a year ago God blessed me with
a boat and I had to clean out one side of the garage to accommodate it. I
had to make some hard painful decisions about moving some of my things to
the garage and even...*gasp*...throwing some of them away.

Eventually, the boat was able to fit, but in just a few months, the Lord
blessed me with a motorcycle. I felt that it rated the garage (I don't
think my wife agreed with me on that... you know opposites attract) and I
went through another round of organizing my junk.

Now, just a few weeks ago, we bought a Nerd-Wagon (mini-van). It would not
fit in the garage under the current arrangement so I had to organize it once
again. Eventually, the motorcycle went in the boat?s place and the boat got
a shady spot in the backyard.

It's interesting how we make room for things that are important to us. This
is true in our garage, our day planner, and our heart. If you put your life
under the microscope for the last several weeks, what would it show was the
most important thing to you? Would God have that nice spot in the garage or
would He be out in the storage building?

Make room for those important things in life by remembering God is the most
important thing.

There is now a webpage available at where the devotionals are
archived There is a complete
archive at the Burning Bush website and the address for the archive is

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