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BBD 12.08.03 Are Christians The Only Ones With Fellowship Halls?

Posted by: wrather <wrather@...>

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The Burning Bush Devotional

(Over 9,500 subscribers in 75 countries)


Are Christians The Only Ones With Fellowship Halls?

Today’s devotional was written by Dr. Walker Moore who is president of
AweStar Ministries in Tulsa, P. O. Box 470265, Tulsa 74147. You may contact
Walker at or 800.293.7827. Visit their website at

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be
satisfied. - Matthew 5:6.

I think I am mentally sick. There is one television network that no matter
how hard I try, I cannot take my eyes away from it: the Food Channel. For 24
hours every day, 1,440 minutes around the clock this network broadcasts
food. It is only natural that I enjoy this unique channel as Christians and
food go hand in hand. Jesus is a Christian. His first miracle was at a
wedding feast. He turned water into wine. He did miracles with a meal. He
took two loaves and five fish and made a meal to feed five thousand. I know
that the early disciples were Christians because they were always going to
or coming from a feast. They were always talking about food. One day they
told Jesus, “We do not have enough money to buy food for every one.” Even
when Satan tempted Jesus it had to do with food! Satan tried to get Jesus to
turn stones into bread. I even believe that the Last Supper was probably
held in someone’s Fellowship Hall. I rest my case the Bible is full of
Christians… and logically, references to food.

I find one Food Channel program particularly riveting… “The Iron Chef.” The
show is filmed in Japan with English voice-overs. Each week a Master Chef is
culinarily challenged by a newcomer. Both chefs are given specific
ingredients to work with and have one hour to cook four or five original
dishes each including the specialty of the week.

Last week the chefs were given giant squids. So they made squid salad, squid
ink soup, (I am not making this up) squid main entrée and, of course, squid
dessert. At the end of the show a panel of judges tastes each of the chef’s
concoctions and assigns scores and pronounces a winner. The results of this
show are so big that it can make or break a chef’s career depending on
whether or not they can out cook the Master Chef. While all of that is
interesting, it is the voice-overs that make the show intense. The
announcers talk as if they were describing the tie breaking home run at the
World Series. “OH NO! He added saki to the squid! What in the world is he
thinking?” Then another announcer will say, “Who would ever think of adding
those together? The sourness of the saki added to the sweetness of the squid
will produce a roller coaster of sensations on the pallet. WHAT A GENIUS
MOVE!” And I am sitting on the edge of my seat to see if the saki will
determine the winner.

How ironic is it that we get so excited about many things that really do not
have much importance? Teach your child which food they should hunger for.
“And Jesus said to them, ‘I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me shall
never hunger… .’ ” Physical hunger is the natural process of the body;
spiritual hunger is natural process of the soul. One without the other is

Dear Father, thank You for being our Bread of Life and Living Water. My
spirit hungers for You today. You are the only one who can feed and satisfy
my inner being. May my child’s hunger pains deepen for the things of God.

Copyright © 2003. Ed Wrather. Permission is given for use of the devotionals
on a non-profit basis with source credited.

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