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Broke Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

My three year old son and I were passing by a McDonald's one day and he started begging me to get some "fench fies, pweeeez". I didn't have any money on me and I told him "No, Daddy is broke" He didn't complain he just accepted my answer.

A few days later we were driving past a McDonald's once again. He was not having a happy day because we were stuck running errands all day. So I offered, "Johnny do you want to get some french fries?" And he perked up and smiled and said, "Why Daddy, are you fixed?"


A Sunday School teacher asked her pupils to name things they were
thankful for.
One bespectacled boy said he was thankful for his glasses.

"Any special reason?" the teacher asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied, "they keep the boys from hitting me and the
girls from kissing me."


After a round of golf, 4 elderly ladies sat around the clubhouse
chatting. Seeing the ladies, the Pro approached them and asked: "How
did your game go?"

The first said she had a good round...making the comment that she
actually had 25 riders. The Pro was a bit perplexed not knowing what a
"Rider" was.

The second lady then quickly chimed in and said that she had a very
good round as well with 16 riders.

The third lady then said that her round was average and that she only
had 10 riders.

The fourth lady admitted that she played the worst round of the day and
that she only had 2 riders all day long.

The Pro was completely confused not knowing what the term "rider"
But, because he didn't want to look dumb, he made a quick polite
remark, wished the ladies well and then left. He then approached the bartender
and asked, "Hey, can you tell me what these ladies are talking about
when they refer to "riders"?"

The bar tender simply smiled and said... "a "rider" is when you have
hit a shot long enough to take a ride on a golf cart."

Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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