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Christmas Play Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Christmas Play"
I was casting kids in our church for our annual Christmas
play, and I was giving out choices, such as Shepherd,
Lamb, Villager. 
One 5-year-old couldn't decide, so I said,
"Luke, you can be a Villager."
He said, "OK," and ran over to his parents. 
 Very excited, he said to them, "Guess
what! I get to be a mini-van!"
"Being an Apostle"  

I bet it was really tough being an Apostle of Jesus.
What if you wanted a day off?

You ring up Jesus and say, "Jesus, I'm sick today, running a little fever and feeling congested so I won't be able to make it to today's sermon.
What...? Say that again...? I'm cured?" 
"Unruly Child"
A man scolded his son for being so unruly and the child rebelled against his father. He got some of his clothes, his teddy bear and his piggy bank and proudly announced, 'I'm running away from home!'.
The father calmly decided to look at the matter logically. 'What if you get hungry?', he said.
'Then I'll come home and eat!', bravely declared the child. ' And what if you run out of money?'.
'I will come home and get some!', readily replied the child.
The man then made a final attempt, 'What if your clothes get dirty?'.
'Then I'll come home and let mommy wash them.', was the reply.
The man shook his head and exclaimed, 'This kid is not running away from home, he's going off to college!!'.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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