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[ChurchBass] [PRAYER] urgent request

Posted by: tfegan <tfegan@...>


Because of the time factor, I classified this as urgent.

If you read this before 9:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings time Friday
morning: please pray for a coworker of mine named Jamie. She has a court
date in the morning to finalize her divorce. I won't go into many details
except to say that there are no children involved. Nonetheless, she is very
stressed and anxious over the entire ordeal. Prayers for strength, peace,
etc. through this hearing would be very much appreciated.

If you read this after noon EDST, please continue to pray for peace, as well
as that she would have family and friends around her who would be

I asked her this afternoon if she would have friends with her this evening
(Wednesday) and she said she would, as well as during and after her court

FWIW, I'm thinking some of Cetin's cookies couldn't hurt either.

In Christ,
Tim Fegan <
"I have never met a person I could despair of,
or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies
in me apart from the grace of God." --Oswald Chambers