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Doc's Daily Chuckle 1/5/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Winter is definately here! Snow and cold forecasted for 

the rest of the week. We had a high of 55 degrees today. 

Tomorrow the high will only be 17 degrees. Temperatures 

are listed in fahrenheit. 


Today's Chuckles

1. Sunday School

2. Live Long and Prosper


Sunday School

"I want to go to Sunday school," my seven-year-old 

son announced one day when he returned from school. 

Pleased, I told him I’d find one for him. 

Later he said: "Oh, boy, I can’t wait to go to 

Sunday school. One day sounds so much better than 


- from Da Mouse Tracks


The best thing about the future is that it comes one day 

at a time. - Abraham Lincoln


Live Long and Prosper


While none of us knows what will happen in this new year, 

here's some rules that if you follow, you'll help ensure 

you'll make it through in one piece: 


- Don't throw a brick straight up. 

- Walk around toxic waste dumps, not through them. 

- Your body has the correct number of holes in it. Don't 

  make any more. 

- Don't microwave yourself too often. 

- Don't stick body parts into electrical outlets. 

- If you're on a ball field and someone shouts "Heads up!" 

  don't actually raise your head up. Cover it with your 

  arms and duck. 

- No matter how tempting it is to be one with nature, stay 

  on the outside of all fences at the zoo. 

- When sticking thumb tacks into bulletin boards, press on 

  the flat end. 

- Don't take long naps while driving. 

- from Laugh & Lift


Please pray for: Sue, Marian, Aiden, Joe, Eileen, Maureen, Gerard. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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