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Doc's Daily Chuckle 2/27/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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It's sunny! February is nearly over. We may have set 

a record for the coldest February since they've been 

keeping records. 


Today's Chuckles

1. Shorty

2. Old School Desk 



My Italian American friend is very self-conscious about 

his height, or lack thereof. So I always steer clear of 

the subject. 

One day, he and I went to lunch at a Sub shop. 

"I'll take the Italian," he said to the guy behind the 

counter. "Salami, Provolone, and peppers." 

"Do you want a full hero or half one?" came the reply. 

"Ah... gimme a half," my friend says. 

After placing our orders, we took our seats. A few 

minutes later, my friend grimaced when we heard... 

"Small Italian, your order is up!"

- from ArcaMax Jokes


As I make my slow pilgrimage through the world, a certain sense 

of beautiful mystery seems to gather and grow. - A. C. Benson


Old School Desk 

Marv took his family to visit a living history museum, 

which included seeing houses and stores that were more 

than one hundred years old. 

After they entered an old one-room schoolhouse Marv pointed 

to a desk that had an empty hole for an ink bottle. "What 

do you think this hole was for? he asked his kids. 

His twelve-year-old son Martin replied, "It's a Coke can 


- from Da Mouse Tracks


Please pray for: Gary, Mary, Greg, Taya, Richard, Lisa, Brandon, . 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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