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Doc's Daily Chuckle 3/16/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Coming off of a fabulous weekend. Saturday, spent 

time with friends from around the country. We're 

dedicated to assisting people to achieving freedom 

to pursue their goals. 

On Sunday, our family gathered to celebrate the 

Baptism of my great nephew.


Today's Chuckles

1. Overcoat

2. Sunglasses



A meek little fellow in a restaurant timidly 

touched the arm of a man putting on an overcoat. 

"Excuse me," he said, "but do you happen to be 

Mr. Smith of Newport?" 

"No, I'm not," answered the man impatiently. 

"Oh, well you see," continued the first man, 

"I am, and that's his overcoat you're putting on." 

- from Laugh & Lift


The smallest good deed is better than the grandest 

intention. - John Burroughs



 by Janet Mackin Hunt

So this morning I loaded everything we would need for 

the day in the trunk of the car - including my sunglasses 

and a birthday present for Hailey's friend (we went to his 

party right after the parade). 

I am at the parade and realize I don't have my sunglasses. 

Oh well, no big deal.

We get to the party and I forget all about the glasses. 

Hailey and her friends are having a blast. Then comes present 

time. You guessed it - we got this kid a spiderman thing, a 

lego thing, and - surprise! - some sunglasses! 

They were in his present bag!

Now I don't really know these kids or the other parents that 

were there all too well - this is one of Hailey's new first 

grade friends - so the goal here is for her to make friends, 

be normal, and not have the "weird mom" who makes a scene. 

His grandpa remarked, "Wow, and those are some nice sunglasses 

too! What do you say, buddy?"

Uhm - ‪#‎awkward‬ - I didn't know them so I didn't want to jump up 

and say, "Yah, um, those aren't actually supposed to be his 

present. They're mine." I wasn't about to take a "gift" from a 

little kid that I hardly know. He was wearing them for awhile 

and really seemed to like them, too! 

And the whole rest of the party, there they are, laying on the 

table with the transformers, Nerf guns, ninja turtles and all 

of the other gifts...and I am there, afraid to take them back 

for fear another mom will see me and think Hailey's mom is a 

klepto who steals from little kids at their birthday party and 

then my kid will never get invited to anything again...

Oh well - reason number 968 why I will only buy cheap sunglasses 

until the girls are older! Enjoy them, kid! LOL! 

- by Janet Mackin Hunt (my niece)


Please pray for: Rick, Benjamin, Rob, Norma, Robbie, Matt, Sharon, Nick. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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