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Doc's Daily Chuckle 3/24/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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From Archie. I recommend his uplifting e-mail. 


Today's Chuckles

1. Joining the Army

2. The Religious Horse


Joining the Army 

As the family gathered for a big dinner together, the youngest son 

announced that he had just signed up at an army recruiter's office.


There were audible gasps around the table, then some laughter, as 

his older brothers shared their disbelief that he could handle this 

new situation. "Oh, come on, quit joking," snickered one. "You didn't 

really do that, did you?"


"You would never get through basic training," scoffed another.


The new recruit looked to his mother for help, but she was just 

gazing at him. When she finally spoke, she simply asked, "Do you 

really plan to make your own bed every morning?"

- from Thomas E. (via


Archie, who has become my right hand man,regularly sends an 

uplifting e-mail. You would just need to cut-and-paste the url.

He also now sends out gospel music 5 days a week plus 

takes requests. Just send an email to the e-mail address 

below with which you would like to have in the subject

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I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived

the length of it. I want to live the width of it as well.

- Diane Ackerman


The Religious Horse 

A courier was travelling across country on a horse. He was in a hurry 

and rode the horse too hard, so it foundered. Needing to continue on 

his journey, he went up to a nearby farm and asked the farmer if he 

could buy a horse.


"The only horse I have is this one," the farmer said.


"Fine, I'll take it," the courier replied and jumped on the horse's 



The rather religious farmer told the courier how to control the horse. 

"Say 'Praise the Lord' to get the horse to go and 'Amen' to get it to 



So with a quick "Praise the Lord," the courier was on his way. He made 

good time, and his mind wandered as the countryside flew by. Looking 

up after a while, the courier realized that a cliff was coming up, but 

the horse was showing no indication of slowing down. He began to panic 

as the cliff loomed closer, and he found he could not remember the 

command to stop the horse. 

In a real fright, the courier prayed earnestly for a reminder, and 

finished his prayer with "Amen."


The horse came to a screeching halt at the edge of the cliff. Looking 

down over the edge, the relieved courier exclaimed loudly, "Praise the 


- from Timothy A. (via


Please pray for: Alice, Darlene, Kurt, Michael, Andrea, Walter, Jay. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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