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Doc's Daily Chuckle 3/3/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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It was very icy today. Walking was very treacherous.

At one house, there was a slight hill. When I was 

praying to get down it safely, a gentleman stopped 

his car and came to my assistance. The Lord sends 

angels in  all kinds of disguises. I am safely home.


Today's Chuckles

1. Calligraphy

2. Fairy Tales and Technology



Many years ago my wife, a knitting expert, designed 

exotic patterns with ease. 

There was an occasion when we had lunch in a real 

Chinese restaurant (only one person spoke partial 

English, all menus were in Chinese). 

When she saw the handwritten menu she was so impressed 

with the calligraphy she tucked it in her purse.

Some months later I saw the result - a stunning white 

sweater with the Chinese symbols hand-stitched down the 


She received compliments galore until at one party when 

we met a distinguished Chinese physician who asked my 

wife where she got the symbols. He then wanted to know 

if she knew what they meant.

"I'm afraid to ask," she said, "but tell me anyway."

Even she had to laugh when he told her they read, "This 

is a cheap dish - but good."

- from Da Mouse Tracks


Success is stumbling from failure to failure with 

no loss of enthusiasm. - Winston Churchill


Fairy Tales and Technology 


If you think technology has changed the work world, 

just take a look at what's happening in never-never 

land. A recent update reports that today: 


*Little Bo Peep never loses sheep because of their 

 embedded silicon identity chips. 


*Cinderella searches for her prince on - 

 and leases her pumpkin-colored SUV at 


*Hansel and Gretel use the GPS rather than bread-

 crumbs but have reported problems stuffing the 

 wicked witch into her microwave oven. 


*To avoid travel stress, Alice now plans her Wonder-

 land vacation with 


*A reformed Ebenezer Scrooge sends Bob Cratchett 

 to update his certification for Excel and Quicken. 


*Jack's making a fortune on his beanstalk bioen-

 gineering breakthrough. 


*Old McDonald uses voice recognition to make order-

 ing easy at his agricultural auction site;


*Romeo and Juliet avoid tragic problems by keeping 

 in touch through their cell phones. 


*With her early Web capabilities, Charlotte is now 

 a motivational speaker at tech conferences around 

 the world. 


*The Pied Piper switched career fields after his 

 tunes were bootlegged on Napster. 


*King Arthur has replaced that expensive round 

 table with satellite videoconferencing. 


*Gulliver is on sabbatical using up all his frequent 

 flyer miles. 


* Jack and Jill order their Evian on Amazon. 

- from Laugh & Lift 


Please pray for: Benjamin, Lee, Jay, Kit, Glen, Darlene, Trey. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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