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Doc's Daily Chuckle 3/30/15

Posted by: pkaine <pkaine@...>

                DOC'S  DAILY  CHUCKLE

                   Always  Clean  Chuckles

                Laughter is the Best Medicine!


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Robins plus snow! That's what greeted me when I went 

outdoors yesterday. I tell people, "You'll love Ohio's 

weather. If you don't, wait ten minutes, it'll change."  


Today's Chuckles

1. Important File

2. The Dance


Important File 

The Boss who was on the 45th floor of the building 

called up one of his  clerks, Mr Banta on the ground 

floor for an important file. 

Since it was rather urgent the Boss told Banta it was 

an emergency and that he should hurry with the file.


After more than 30 minutes Banta appears all tired and 

panting for breath. The Boss asks him why he was panting 

and what caused the huge delay. 

He replies, "Sir, when I went to the elavator it said, 

'During an emergency please use the staircase'!!!" 


- eddited from pg vargis


Don't count the things you do, do the things 

that count. - Zig Ziglar


The Dance

Sitting around at breakfast today, Heather asks, 

"What is 'The Dance' even about? Why do you like 

it so much?"

I go into the meaning of the song, about how it 

inspires you to get out there and live, and get 

to know people, and take risks, even though you 

may get hurt along the way, and how pain is a part 

of life, and you can go without pain, but then you 

go without the good memories too, the ones that 

shape your life.

"Essentially, girls, he is telling you not to live 

in a bubble. To get out there and take chances and 

love and live fully."

Hailey pipes up, "But rainbows live in bubbles. It 

would be cool to live in a bubble with the rainbows. 

Whenever I see a bubble, I see a little rainbow 

inside of it."

- from Janet H. (my niece)


Please pray for: Ruth, David, Chris, Roy, Debra, Crystal, Paul. 


Have a TERRIFIC day! 

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